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本研究旨在探討運用數學遊戲教學介入方式對於國小智能障礙學生學習加法之成效。研究對象為三名國小智能障礙學生,其中兩名是五年級,及一名是三年級,三位均為男性。本研究方法採質性研究之個案研究法。本研究所蒐集資料包含遊戲心流量表、遊戲使用心得問卷、學生學習動機檢核表、訪談逐字稿、教學日誌、省思札記、教學影片、數學加法測驗等。資料分析的方式為主題分析法。本研究結果如下:一、 運用數學遊戲能提升國小智能障礙學生加法學習之成效。二、 運用數學遊戲教學後,智能障礙學生呈現正向情意:(一)愉快的學習情緒:智能障礙學生展現出愉快的學習情緒、也比以前更喜歡數學。在遊戲過程中,他們持續表現很歡喜的情緒(如玩遊戲時會高興地跳起來)並口頭表示期待再上數學課。(二)學習動機提高:同儕競爭除了帶給三位學生想讓自己表現比別人好的想法外,彼此還會互相鼓勵及學習,甚至有學生主動要求要回家做數學作業。三、 在本研究中遊戲教學策略:及時提供正向行為支持、適度引導:(一)當學生有得失心表現的時候,老師及時提供正向行為支持:學生難免會有「比較」的心理,看到別的同學得分比自己高,或是自己的表現不如預期,會顯得落寞、失望,此時教師給予及時正向行為支持,並鼓勵學生再接再厲,下次會更好等,引導學生迎接新的挑戰。(二)當學生算不出來或是不懂遊戲規則時,老師給予適度引導:當智能障礙學生表現出不甚理解遊戲規則或題意時,或學生算不出來時,老師給予適度的引導(示範遊戲玩法)或提示(手部提示),幫助學生理解以進行計算,即能創造成功經驗。四、 教學者反思: 本研究結束後,教學者整理反思所得內容如下:因學生喜歡操作APP,故選擇APP作為答題媒介。為要使學生能完全了解遊戲玩法,需給予示範及練習,協助學生精熟遊戲玩法,並在遊戲過程中,教師適時給予提示或引導。在遊戲過程中,教師發現學生之間互動具有正面同儕競爭氣氛。也透過遊戲過程了解學生學習瓶頸並給予加強。 本研究發現好玩的數學遊戲不僅能讓學生在遊戲過程中玩得開心,也能提升其學習成效,教學者可融入與日常生活或學習情景相關的活動來進行教學,讓學生在熟悉的情境下愉快學習,並結合學生喜愛3C產品之特性,激發學生的注意,進而提升學生學習興趣,並增進其學習成效。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出未來教學及研究之建議。
This research aims to study the effects of using game-based instructions on the mathematic addition learning of students with intellectual disability in an elementary school. The subjects in the study are three elementary school students with intellectual disabilities, including two fifth-graders and a third grader. All three are male. This research method adopts the case study method of qualitative research. To collect data, the tools used are as follows: Flow Scales, Game Acceptance Scale, Student Motivation Checklist, interview transcript, teaching diary, reflexive journal, teaching video, mathematic addition tests, etc. The data analysis method used in this research is thematic analysis.Analysis of the qualitative data revealed the following results: 1. Using game-based instructions in elementary schools can help students with intellectual disabilities to learn math. 2. Students with intellectual disabilities showed positive results after being taught using game-based instructions: (1) Pleasant learning mood: The students demonstrated a pleasant learning mood and also appeared to like math more than before. During the game, they continued to show happy emotions (such as jumping up when playing games) and verbally expressed that they looked forward to taking math class again.(2) Increased learning motivation: Three students showed a desire to perform better than others. Competition with peers encouraged students to learn from each other. Some students even actively requested to go home to do math homework.3. This study showed that the game-based teaching strategy provides timely support and moderate guidance:(1) The teacher provided appropriate responses based on students’ performance: Students inevitably developed a “comparative” mentality. They became disappointed when seeing other students’ scoring higher or when their performance was not up to the mark. At this time, the teacher provided timely support and encouraged students to continue their efforts. This approach was better than providing feedback toward the end for later challenges.(2) When students could not solve the question or did not understand the rules of the game, the teacher gave appropriate guidance: When students with intellectual disabilities had difficulty understanding the rules of the game or the meaning of the question or had difficulty solving the question, the teacher gave appropriate guidance (demonstration of the game) or hints (using hand gestures) to help students understand the game and solve the question. That is, they can create a success experience.4. Teacher reflection:After the study, the teacher compiled the reflection content as follows: Students liked to use apps, so the teacher chose an app with an answer judgment function as a medium. To empower students to fully understanding the gameplay, both demonstrations and exercises are presented to help students become proficient in gameplay, and the teacher gave prompts or guidance during the games. During the games, the teacher found that the interactions between students had a positive atmosphere of peer competition. Throughout the game playing, teachers also found out students’ obstacles in learning and provided them with support.This study found that game-based instructions can make students have fun during the game and improve their learning effectiveness. Teachers can integrate activities related to daily lifeor learning situations for teaching. Therefore, students can joyfully participate in a familiar learning environment.According to the results above, this study also presents suggestions for teaching and future research.



數學遊戲, 智能障礙, 學習成效, 情意表現, game-based instructions, intellectual disabilities, learning effectiveness, affective performance





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