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摘要 目的:老年女性的健康問題非單一因素造成,藉由持續且規律性的運動訓練,以促進老年女性的身心健康,可提供整體性健康照護,提昇其生活品質。方法:召募75位60歲以上無運動習慣中老年女性,隨機分成5組(每組15人):阻力訓練+維生素D組(RT+D);阻力訓練組(RT);有氧訓練組(AT);補充維生素D組(D)及對照組(CON)。實驗組接受12週運動訓練課程(有氧訓練、阻力訓練及補充維生素D (800 IU/day)),每週3 次、每次30分鐘,並達到自覺量表5-6 中等強度等級以上;對照組則正常作息。各組分別於運動訓練介入前、12週運動訓練介入後及停止訓練後1週共3次,檢測功能性體適能(手臂彎舉、坐姿起立、抓背測驗、椅子坐姿前彎、8 英尺立走及2 分鐘原地踏步)、血液生理指標(血壓、空腹血糖、糖化血色素生化值(HbA1c)) 及認知行為(SPMSQ、PSQI、TDQ)問卷。結果:12 週運動訓練介入後,BMI、腰臀圍比、功能性體適能、認知能力、血液生理指標等各項指標皆在運動訓練RT+D組、RT組及AT組之促進效益顯著優於D組與C組;且停止訓練後1週運動訓練,各項指標仍具有保留訓練的效果。功能性體適能、血液生理指標與認知能力間之相關,分別於功能性體適能各變項間(r =-.441~.568, p<.05)、血液生理指標間(r =-.438~.378, p<.05)、認知能力間(r =-.421~.335, p<.05)、BMI(r =-.438~.268, p<.05)及腰臀圍比(r =-.325~.317, p<.05)間達顯著的相關。顯示,功能性體適能、血液生理指標與認知能力間有某程度上的關聯性。結論:12週的中強度阻力運動訓練與維生素D的組合性介入,較能顯著提升老年女性功能性體適能、認知能力、血液生理指標及日常生活的參與。停止訓練後一個月仍能保留其訓練效益,且運動型態與各變項之促進效益有某程度上的關聯性。因此,阻力健身運動不僅有效增進老年女性在生理與心理機能的優勢效應,更可作為老年女性健身運動處方建立的依據。
Abstract Purpose: The health issue of elderly women is not resulted from a single factor, promoting physiological and mental health of elderly women by constant and regular exercise programs can provide integral health care and elevate its life quality. Methods:75 subjects of elderly women over 60 years old without exercise habits were recruited, randomly divided into 5 groups (15 subjects each):Resistance training + vitamin D (RT+D) group; Resistance training group (RT); Aerobic training group (AT); Vitamin D supplement group (D) and Control group (CON). The participants of experimental groups were in a 12-week exercise training program, including aerobic training, resistance training and vitamin D supplement (800IU/day), with 3 sessions per week, 30 minutes per session, and an intensity of 5-6 on the Ratings of Perceived Exertion scale; control group remains normal routine. Functional fitness (arm curl, chair stand, back scratch, chair sit-and-reach, 8-foot up-and-go, and 2-min step tests), blood biochemistry value (blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c) and cognitive-behavioral questionnaires (SPMSQ, PSQI, and TDQ) were assessed before the training programs, 12-week after training programs, and 1-week after stop training. Results:After 12-week of exercise training intervened, the efficiency of BMI、waist-hip ratio, functional fitness, cognitive ability, and blood physiological index were significantly increased in RT+D group, RT group, and AT group comparing with group D and group C; Every value represents the remaining training effects after the next week detraining. The correlations between functional fitness, blood physiological index and cognitive ability are significantly shown respectively in variables of functional fitness(r=-.441~.568, p<.05), blood physiological index(r =-.438~.378, p<.05), cognitive ability(r =-.421~.335, p<.05), BMI(r =-.438~.268, p<.05)and waist-hip ratio(r =-.325~.317, p<.05). Therefore, the results reveal the functional fitness, blood physiological index, and cognitive ability have a certain degree of correlations. Conclusion:With a 12-week medium tenacity of resistance training program and vitamin D combined intervention, the functional fitness, cognitive ability, blood physiological index and daily lifeof elderly women were significantly promoted. The training effectiveness is remained a month after stop training, furthermore, the movement patterns and the benefits of promotion in each variable have a certain degree of correlations. Thus, resistance exercise not only effectively promotes physical and mental functions of the elderly women, but also resembles a basis for establishing an exercise prescription for them.



生理測量, 營養攝取, 糖尿病, 保留效果, 運動介入, Physiological Measurement, Intake of nutrition, diabetes, retention, intervention





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