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聯合國世界旅遊組織關鍵旅遊指數指出2019年全球旅遊總人口達14.6億人次,亞太區成長幅度為5 %,居三大旅遊區之首。交通部觀光局 (2019) 來臺旅客消費及動向調查指出,每人每日旅遊消費平均為195.9美元,旅館內支出為76.62美元占39.11%,為旅遊支出中最高。隨手機持有率上升、網路與平臺使用普及,現代人生活習慣與旅遊型態產生質變,線上訂房平臺的崛起對飯店帶來巨大且重要的改變及影響。OTA (Online Travel Agency) 發展至今約20年衍生服務越趨多元,在銷售管道上產生與飯店間主導權轉移。OTA從以往填補房量功能發展至今為競合關係,傳統旅行業應變不及陷入掙扎困境,飯店業者則長期處於與OTA競爭合作拉扯,但尚未有良好的因應對策。本研究以多重個案研究將12個國際及國內連鎖集團飯店分類為豪華型、中價位、經濟型,以滾雪球取樣法選取飯店營收管理主管進行半結構式訪談,訪談大綱由Moore (1996) 商業生態系統模型為構面,輔以Moore (2006) 提出科技時代商業生態系統特性,以了解現階段臺灣國際及國內連鎖飯店商業生態系統建構概況。研究發現競合關係中合作多於競爭,生態系統建構由目標市場定位及價格設定為客房主要銷售策略,通路選擇因循其產值績效評估及客源屬性為主要指標,與供應商合作考量其評價、合作成本、產品異質性,維護顧客關係以服務為重、實質回饋為輔,同業以集團內合作居多,異業合作不侷限於創造營收,增加附加價值、提昇飯店形象、行銷效益均是重要指標,科技運用以數位行銷執行最為普及。地理因素對生態系統建構亦有舉足輕重影響,而政策法規及利益關係者可能造成發展限制。研究建議業者依循商業生態系模型由內而外逐步檢視飯店生態建構概況。
Key tourism figures published by UNWTO indicated that global tourist arrivals had reached 1.46 billion. International arrivals grew 5% in Asia and the Pacific which outperformed Europe and the Americas in 2019. Visitors’ Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan of 2019 showed the daily consumption on the hotels was USD 76.62 which was the biggest expense and accounted for 39.11% of total daily consumptions (USD195.9). The development of ICT industry leads to the growth of smartphone users, the penetration of internet and the rise of platforms and brings great impacts on travel industry. Bricks-and-Mortar travel agents suffer to survive due to their late response for transforming to platform business. The co-opetition between OTAs (Online Travel Agency) and hotels is getting furious. Hotels are struggling to overturn the current situation but still in vain. This research aims to explore the establishment of hotel’s business ecosystem through multiple-case research on international and domestic hotel chains in Taiwan. Twelve hotel brands were selected and categorized into Luxury, Middle Price and Economy. Snowball sampling was applied to gather managers responsible for revenue management for semi-structured interview. Interview guides were designed on the basis of Moore’s (1996) theory of business ecosystem supplemented with technology related elements (Moore, 2006). This research concluded that cooperation is greater than competition between hotels and OTAs. The establishment of business ecosystem starts from deciding market segmentation to pricing strategy. Channel performance and customer attributes are the key indicators to consider while selecting distribution channels. Reputation, cost and product uniqueness need to be taken into consideration when cooperating with suppliers. Service is primary and reward system could be a plus for maintaining relationships for existing customers. Cross-industry cooperation is not merely purposed for making profits but adding values and elevating corporate images. For technological implementation, digital marketing is most widely used. This research sorted out crucial geographical influences on establishing business ecosystem and limitations given by government policies and regulations. Hotels are suggested to re-examine their establishment of business ecosystem by reviewing Moore’s theory from inside out.
Key tourism figures published by UNWTO indicated that global tourist arrivals had reached 1.46 billion. International arrivals grew 5% in Asia and the Pacific which outperformed Europe and the Americas in 2019. Visitors’ Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan of 2019 showed the daily consumption on the hotels was USD 76.62 which was the biggest expense and accounted for 39.11% of total daily consumptions (USD195.9). The development of ICT industry leads to the growth of smartphone users, the penetration of internet and the rise of platforms and brings great impacts on travel industry. Bricks-and-Mortar travel agents suffer to survive due to their late response for transforming to platform business. The co-opetition between OTAs (Online Travel Agency) and hotels is getting furious. Hotels are struggling to overturn the current situation but still in vain. This research aims to explore the establishment of hotel’s business ecosystem through multiple-case research on international and domestic hotel chains in Taiwan. Twelve hotel brands were selected and categorized into Luxury, Middle Price and Economy. Snowball sampling was applied to gather managers responsible for revenue management for semi-structured interview. Interview guides were designed on the basis of Moore’s (1996) theory of business ecosystem supplemented with technology related elements (Moore, 2006). This research concluded that cooperation is greater than competition between hotels and OTAs. The establishment of business ecosystem starts from deciding market segmentation to pricing strategy. Channel performance and customer attributes are the key indicators to consider while selecting distribution channels. Reputation, cost and product uniqueness need to be taken into consideration when cooperating with suppliers. Service is primary and reward system could be a plus for maintaining relationships for existing customers. Cross-industry cooperation is not merely purposed for making profits but adding values and elevating corporate images. For technological implementation, digital marketing is most widely used. This research sorted out crucial geographical influences on establishing business ecosystem and limitations given by government policies and regulations. Hotels are suggested to re-examine their establishment of business ecosystem by reviewing Moore’s theory from inside out.
線上訂房平臺, 競合關係, 商業生態系統, 飯店, 平臺, Online Travel Agency, Co-opetitin, Business Ecosystem, Hotel, Platform