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跑步為所有陸上運動的基礎。即使在該項運動競賽中沒有實際跑步的技術內容,在進行體能訓練時也往往會以跑步的方式實施。由於跑步常被視為一般人均具備的能力,在競技運動項目中,除了徑賽項目的運動員外,較少針對跑步的動作進行訓練。許多對速度有較高需求的運動項目,如籃球、足球、棒球等,也很少針對跑步技術進行訓練。動力系統理論是一種以數學模式檢驗系統中動力變化的工具。在動力系統理論的架構下,可以利用觀察狀態域(state space)中動力變化的圖形以及量化次序參數(order parameter)的方式,了解系統中動力質與量的變化。本研究以動力系統的理論架構,比較徑賽項目優秀運動員與非徑賽賽項目優秀運動員在短距離跑步的動力狀況。實驗招募大專甲組徑賽短跑運動員及橄欖球運動員共15位,進行三種速度的60公尺衝刺跑,以三台數位攝影機串連方式拍攝跑步過程,拍攝的影片以Simi Motion 動作分析系統擷取下肢運動學資料,並以左右腿與額面的角度、角速度及相對相位進行圖型及量化分析。研究結果發現三種速度結果的呈現是由步長及步速兩種策略調整而來的,在速度持續增加時步長與步速都會增大,而慢速跑中步長與步速則不會持續往上增加。在跑步的過程中兩腿是呈現反相動作,當速度變慢時反相的協調型態有較大的起伏,出現較不穩定的現象,同時短跑選手動作協調的穩定度也高於橄欖球選手。本研究除提供以動力系統理論進行跑步動作型態分析之應用外,亦可作為不同競技運動項目運動員檢驗跑步動作的方法。
Running is the fundamental skill of all land-based sports. Coaches also often prescribe running in the training program to enhance physical fitness. However, specific running skills have rarely been emphasized in sport training except for athletes of the track events. Even for the sports where moving speed of the players is in great demand such as basketball, soccer, and baseball, running skill has rarely been found in the training program. Dynamical Systems Theory adopts mathematical models to analyze the dynamics of interest. Under the framework of the dynamical systems theory, we may observe the changes in the dynamic state of the system and quantify the value of the order parameter to understand the qualitative and quantitative changes of the system dynamics. Based on the dynamical systems theory, the purpose of the study was to compare the dynamics of running between the elite athletes of sprinters and non-sprinters. Fifteen division A collegiate sprinters and rugby athletes performed 60m run in 3 speeds. Three digital cameras, placed in concatenation, were used to videotape the runs. The movement kinematics of the legs were digitized with the Simi Motion movement analysis system, and the angles of the left and right legs with respect to the frontal plane were used to derive the relative phase for further quantitative and graphical analyses. The results showed that the 3 running speeds were the results of adjusting step length and step speed. During the speed up phase, both step length and step speed increased. The step length and step speed did not continue to increase for the medium and slow speed runs. The two legs were in anti-phase during running and larger oscillations around the anti-phase were observed for the lower speed runs. In addition, the sprinters also showed a more stable anti-phase coordination than the rugby athletes. The current study applied the dynamical systems theory in analyzing running dynamics. This method may be applied to examine the running movements/dynamics for athletes of different events.
Running is the fundamental skill of all land-based sports. Coaches also often prescribe running in the training program to enhance physical fitness. However, specific running skills have rarely been emphasized in sport training except for athletes of the track events. Even for the sports where moving speed of the players is in great demand such as basketball, soccer, and baseball, running skill has rarely been found in the training program. Dynamical Systems Theory adopts mathematical models to analyze the dynamics of interest. Under the framework of the dynamical systems theory, we may observe the changes in the dynamic state of the system and quantify the value of the order parameter to understand the qualitative and quantitative changes of the system dynamics. Based on the dynamical systems theory, the purpose of the study was to compare the dynamics of running between the elite athletes of sprinters and non-sprinters. Fifteen division A collegiate sprinters and rugby athletes performed 60m run in 3 speeds. Three digital cameras, placed in concatenation, were used to videotape the runs. The movement kinematics of the legs were digitized with the Simi Motion movement analysis system, and the angles of the left and right legs with respect to the frontal plane were used to derive the relative phase for further quantitative and graphical analyses. The results showed that the 3 running speeds were the results of adjusting step length and step speed. During the speed up phase, both step length and step speed increased. The step length and step speed did not continue to increase for the medium and slow speed runs. The two legs were in anti-phase during running and larger oscillations around the anti-phase were observed for the lower speed runs. In addition, the sprinters also showed a more stable anti-phase coordination than the rugby athletes. The current study applied the dynamical systems theory in analyzing running dynamics. This method may be applied to examine the running movements/dynamics for athletes of different events.
動力系統理論, 短距離跑, 相平面, 相對相位, dynamical systems theory, short distance run, phase plane, relative phase