圖片中介訓練引導低口語自閉症學生 拼音打字之行動研究

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低口語自閉症者因語言能力的限制,常讓人覺得如遙遠星球的人般難以瞭解,藉由擴大性及替代性溝通系統的使用,能繞過低口語自閉症者受限的溝通能力,使其獲得與他人溝通的管道。本研究目的旨在探討圖片中介訓練之教學方案,對於引導低口語自閉症學生使用高科技iPad進行拼音打字溝通之可行性及成效。 本研究之研究對象為三位從未接觸過注音符號的低口語自閉症學生,研究者採行動研究法之教學介入,歷經觀察準備階段、行動實施階段與分析彙整階段,並以「圖片中介訓練」作為引導拼音打字的教學框架,而研究者於教學過程中視研究對象的學習進展或困境修正方案之內容。研究者為研究工具,同時擔任教學執行者、觀察者與分享者的角色;協同參與者為三位研究對象之導師,輔以質性與量化資料之蒐集與檢證分析。 本研究透過行動研究之循環修正歷程後,有以下結果發現: 1.本研究藉由同時呈現圖像、文字注音的溝通符號圖片,逐步地褪除至以文字注音為主的溝通符號圖片之教學策略,並以重複練習的訓練方式的圖片中介訓練方案,能引導三位低口語自閉症學生使用iPad進行拼音打字的溝通。 2.三位研究對象均能使用iPad獨立地拼打出所教過的目標詞彙,且均能使用iPad進行要求偏好物的拼音打字溝通;其中一位能拼打出要求偏好物的單詞名稱,另兩位能夠拼打出要求偏好物的完整語句。 3.三位研究對象之導師均對學生在拼音打字的表現給予肯定。 4.低口語自閉症學生在進行拼音打字的學習時,需具備良好的聽覺理解力、配對能力、選擇能力以及學習主動性。 5.由於iPad具有語言輸出及回饋的功能,故低口語自閉症學生在使用iPad學習拼音打字的過程中,將有助於口語語言的提昇。 結論:圖片中介訓練是使用低科技之逐步褪除溝通圖卡並配合高科技iPad作為拼音打字的溝通板面及語音產生裝置的功能,能將低口語自閉症學生的拼音打字能力引導出來,可作為教師對低口語自閉症學生之溝通訓練教學的參考。
Low verbal students with Autism are difficult to be understood due to their limited linguistic ability; however, AAC could bypass low verbal students with autism’s low linguistic capacity and let them have ways to communicate with other people. The purpose of this research was to explore the feasibility and the effectiveness of using picture-mediator to train low verbal students with autism to type Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad. The participants in this research are three low verbal students with autism who never learned Chinese phonetic symbols in the past. The researcher conducted action study with those participants in different phases: observation-preparation, action-implementation, and analysis-collation. In addition, “picture-mediator” was introduced by researcher to teach those students Chinese phonetic symbols typing. The research also constantly adjusted the program based on the participants’ responses. The research findings are as followings: 1.Three participants learned how to type Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad after trained with picture fading strategy and with their own practice repeatedly. 2.Three participants are able to type targeted vocabularies on an iPad independently and then typed their favorite items' Chinese phonetic symbols on an iPad as requested by their instructors. 3.Each participant’s own teacher recognized participant’s performance on Chinese phonetic symbols typing. 4.Low verbal students with autism need to possess good listening comprehension ability, matching ability, choice ability and learning initiative before participate in learning Chinese phonetic symbols typing. 5.Low verbal students with autism will improve their spoken language with iPad’s voice output and feedback function. In conclusion, low verbal students with autism could develop Chinese phonetic symbols typing skill with picture-mediator which use low technology’s picture fading and iPad’s high technology as Chinese phonetic symbols typing tools. Those tools could serve as reference for low verbal students with autism during communication training.



擴大性及替代性溝通系統, 圖片中介, iPad, 拼音打字, 低口語自閉症學生, AAC, picture-mediator, iPad, Chinese phonetic symbols typing, low verbal students with Autism





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