
dc.description.abstract五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫施行之後,對公、私立幼兒園、家長、幼兒均有不同層面的助益與影響。而本研究旨在瞭解免學費教育計畫的實施,是否對公立幼兒園既往施行的行銷策略有所衝擊,而公立幼兒園是否就此影響採取相應的因應策略,以探討公立幼兒園運用行銷策略因應五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫的可行性。 本研究係採問卷調查法進行研究,由研究者依據研究目的與相關參考文獻,進而加以自編成「公立幼兒園因應五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫行銷策略可能性之調查問卷」為研究工具,以台中市、彰化縣、南投縣三縣市之公立幼兒園園長或園主任為調查對象,以普查的方式進行調查。本研究共發出257份問卷,回收216份(整體回收率84.05%),有效問卷為208份(有效可用率96.3%)。研究調查資料之分析係以SPSS22.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體程式進行次數分配與百分比統計、平均數與標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計處理。 歸納本研究之調查結果,所獲致之結論如下: 壹、五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫有助提升中部地區公立幼兒園之入園率。 貳、五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫較難改變中部地區公立幼兒園人員對行銷策略規 劃與推行之看法。 參、中部地區新興公立幼兒園人員對五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫影響幼兒園行銷 策略與實施的認知程度較高。 肆、中部地區之公立幼兒園人員較常採用人員方針之行銷策略。 伍、中部地區公立幼兒園人員普遍認為價格方針之部分行銷方法,對幼兒園因 應五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫之影響具有可行性。 陸、中部地區不同服務年資、學歷、幼兒園地區、幼兒園校齡之公立幼兒園園 長或園主任對行各項行銷方針的看法不盡相同。 柒、中部地區不同性別、服務年資、學歷、幼兒園校齡之公立幼兒園,對幼兒 園因應五歲幼兒免學費教育計畫影響所採行之各項行銷策略之可行性的看 法有所不同。 依據本研究所獲致之結論,研究者提出相關具體建議,以供教育行政機關、公立幼兒園、未來後續研究酌情參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education have a number of benefit and influence for kindergarten, parents, and children. The purpose of this research was to know the implementation of project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education, whether there is the impact to the previous marketing strategies of the public kindergarten, and whether there is the public kindergarten will take appropriate coping marketing strategies, and to explore the feasibility of the marketing strategies of the public kindergarten for project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education. The study was conducted with a questionnairesurvey, according to the purpose and the literature, a questionnaire named “The questionnaire for the feasibility of the Marketing Strategies of the Public Kindergarten for Project on Tuition-free for aged-5-child education” was developed. Participants in this study consist of principal and director of the public kindergarten in Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County. The way of the research was census survey. 216 of the 257 sent out questionnaires were effective (The overall recovery rate of 84.05%), and 208 of which were valid (The overall recovery rate of 96.3%). The data was dealt with SPSS 22.0 for Windows and presented by percentage statistics, standard deviation statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of this research are as the fallowing: 1.The project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education vote to increase the admission rate of the public kindergarten in central region. 2.The project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education is more difficult to improve the recognition of the marketing strategies in public kindergarten of central region. 3.The influence of the project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education on cognitive and implement of marketing strategies in emerging public kindergarten of central region is higher. 4.The public kindergarten which is in central region used to adopt the people policy of the marketing strategies. 5. A part of way in the promotion policy and price policy of the marketing strategies are recognized to have feasibility in response to the influence of the project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education. 6. The used to adopt of the marketing strategies in public kindergarten of central region are affected by principal or director’s years of service, education, and kindergarten’s area, age. 7. The recognition about the feasibility of the marketing strategies in response to the influence of the project on tuition-free for aged-5-child education in public kindergarten of central region are affected by principal or director’s sex, years of service, education, and kindergarten’s age. The conclusions of the research are proposed as the reference for the educational authorities, public kindergarten, and the future researchers.en_US
dc.subjectProject on Tuition-free for aged-5-childeducationen_US
dc.subjectpublic kindergartenen_US
dc.subjectmarketing strategiesen_US


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