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人工光源的使用造成週遭的環境產生了許多的改變及衝擊,為了解人工光源對台灣紫嘯鶇(Myiophoneus insularis)繁殖季的鳴唱行為及活動模式所產生之影響,本研究於2007年至2009年分為下列五部分進行:(1)巢區夜間環境亮度測量、(2)繁殖季各月份紫嘯鶇雄鳥之早晨鳴唱起始時間記錄、(3)繁殖成果記錄、(4)紫嘯鶇成鳥捕捉及形值測量以及(5)紫嘯鶇雄鳥繁殖期活動模式記錄。於石碇地區共記錄26個繁殖巢區之環境亮度,並將其劃分為11個亮巢區及15個暗巢區,亮巢區雄鳥繁殖期之鳴唱起始時間顯著較暗巢區之雄鳥早。根據亮、暗巢區各5隻雄鳥的活動模式顯示,亮巢區之雄鳥活動時間為2至19時,暗巢區之雄鳥則為4至18時,亮巢區雄鳥的活動比例在4時顯著較暗巢區的雄鳥高,在8、10及14時則是暗巢區雄鳥活動比例較高。亮、暗巢區所捕捉之成鳥個體形值差異並不顯著,雄、雌鳥皆然。而2008至2009年所記錄之78窩繁殖記錄,兩年中亮、暗巢區第一窩繁殖之起始時間差異不顯著,而各年中亮、暗巢區各窩之繁殖成果及繁殖成功率差異皆不顯著。結果顯示台灣紫嘯鶇在夜間較亮的環境下,較早開始活動及鳴唱,且持續時間較長,但在雄鳥個體形值、身體狀況、繁殖起始時間或是繁殖成果方面,亮、暗巢間並無顯著差異,可能亮、暗巢環境中的食物資源差異不顯著,且除人工光源外,應存在其他影響紫嘯鶇作息及行為的因素。
The artificial lighting at night has caused many impacts on the surroundings. To evaluate how artificial lighting at night has alter the behaviour and the activity pattern of Taiwan Whistling Thrush(Myiophoneus insularis).The investigations had been started from 2007 to 2009 ,and were composed of five parts: (1) measurements of the luminance nearby nest sites,(2) he onset of dawn chorus of male Taiwan Whistling Thrush in the breeding season, (3) the records for breeding performances, (4) mist-netting and measurements of adult thrushes, (5) activity patterns recordings. We have acquired the measurements of luminence from 26 nesting area in Shrding township, and draw those areas into two groups: 11 bright areas and 15 dark areas. Dawn choruses of male thrushes from bright area onset significantly earlier than males from dark areas. The activity patterns of 10 adult males from light areas (5) and dark areas (5) , males from light areas were active from 2 am to 7 pm, while ones from dark areas were active from 4 am to 6 pm. The thrushes from bright areas were more active at 4 am, while those from dark areas were more active at 8, 10 am and 2 pm. There were no significant differences between body measurements of adult thrushes from light and dark areas. From 2008 to 2009, we had acquired 78 nesting records. The initiate time of first brood from light and dark areas did not differed significantly, and the breeding performances and the success rate of different stages did not differed significantly neither. Our results demonstrate that: (1) artificial lighting at night did affect the diurnal activity patterns of Taiwan whistling thrush; (2) according to the initiate time of first brood did not differed, artificial lighting should not be the only factor that altered the thrushes.
The artificial lighting at night has caused many impacts on the surroundings. To evaluate how artificial lighting at night has alter the behaviour and the activity pattern of Taiwan Whistling Thrush(Myiophoneus insularis).The investigations had been started from 2007 to 2009 ,and were composed of five parts: (1) measurements of the luminance nearby nest sites,(2) he onset of dawn chorus of male Taiwan Whistling Thrush in the breeding season, (3) the records for breeding performances, (4) mist-netting and measurements of adult thrushes, (5) activity patterns recordings. We have acquired the measurements of luminence from 26 nesting area in Shrding township, and draw those areas into two groups: 11 bright areas and 15 dark areas. Dawn choruses of male thrushes from bright area onset significantly earlier than males from dark areas. The activity patterns of 10 adult males from light areas (5) and dark areas (5) , males from light areas were active from 2 am to 7 pm, while ones from dark areas were active from 4 am to 6 pm. The thrushes from bright areas were more active at 4 am, while those from dark areas were more active at 8, 10 am and 2 pm. There were no significant differences between body measurements of adult thrushes from light and dark areas. From 2008 to 2009, we had acquired 78 nesting records. The initiate time of first brood from light and dark areas did not differed significantly, and the breeding performances and the success rate of different stages did not differed significantly neither. Our results demonstrate that: (1) artificial lighting at night did affect the diurnal activity patterns of Taiwan whistling thrush; (2) according to the initiate time of first brood did not differed, artificial lighting should not be the only factor that altered the thrushes.
人工光源, 台灣紫嘯鶇, 活動模式, 早晨鳴唱, artificial lighting, Taiwan whistling thrush, activity pattern, dawn chorus