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自閉症者由於腦部神經受損影響動作功能,使得在許多動作表現明顯落後同年齡的一般學生,甚至動作技能缺陷已被認定是自閉症者的伴隨障礙之一,若藉由提升自閉症者的身體活動,也許就能改善動作能力的問題。 本研究旨在探討功能性動作訓練課程對高中資源班自閉症學生動作精練度之成效。本研究採準實驗研究法,以立意取樣招收6位學生為實驗組,6位學生為對照組,實驗組除了接受平日體育課程外,研究者預計對實驗組進行持續12週,每週2次,每次50分鐘的功能性動作訓練課程;對照組僅接受平日體育課程。功能性動作訓練課程介入前、中與後,研究對象分別接受BOT-2簡易版的前測、中測與後測,測驗結果以SPSS for windows 23版統計分析,以獨立樣本t檢定考驗實驗組與對照組於BOT-2簡易版動作精練度及各項動作組合之前測、中測與後測分數有無顯著差異;以相依樣本t檢定考驗實驗組與對照組於BOT-2簡易版動作精練度及各項動作組合的前測、中測與後測分數有無顯著差異。 研究結果顯示,實驗組與對照組在後測的動作精練度、敏捷度與力量分數達顯著差異,精細動作控制、手部協調、身體協調則無顯著差異;實驗組在前測與後測之間的動作精練度分數達顯著差異,前測與中測、中測與後測之間的動作精練度分數則無顯著差異,對照組在前測與中測、中測與後測、前測與後測的動作精練度分數則無顯著差異。研究結論為,功能性動作訓練課程能有效提升高中資源班自閉症學生的動作精練度。
The motor skills of ASD are inferior to many of the students at the same age because of the brain defects. Actually, the defects of the motor skills have been identified as one of the disabilities of ASD. If we can improve the physical activity of ASD, their motor skills may be promoted. The study aimed to discuss the effect of functional motor training courses to the motor proficiency of the students with ASD in the resource room of senior high school. The study adopted quasi-experimental design, took 12 students with ASD in two senior high schools in Taoyuan City, recruited as research objects and divided into experimental andcontrol groups consisted of 6 objects respectively. Besides the physical education classes in school, the experimental group took the functional motor training courses for 12 weeks, twice a week, 50 minutes at every turn; the control group only took the physical education classes in school. Both groups examined the BOT-2 before, during and after the intervention of the functional motor training courses. The statistics was conducted by SPSS for Windows 23 version and examined if the motor proficiency and every motor composite between pre-test, mid-test and post-test of experimental and control groups had significant difference through independent sample t test. Finally, through paired sample t test examined if the motor proficiency and every motor composite between pre-test, mid-test and post-test of experimental and control groups had any difference. The result indicated the score of post-test of motor proficiency and strength of the experimental and control groups reached the significant level after taking 9-week intervention of functional motor training courses. The score of motor proficiency between pre-test and mid-test, mid-test and post-test of the experimental group did not reach the significant level, while the score of motor proficiency between pre-test and post-test of the experimental group reached the significant level. Therefore, the study concluded that the functional motor training courses has positively improved motor proficiency for the students with ASD in the resource room of senior high school.



功能性動作訓練課程, 動作精練度, 自閉症, 布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度第二版測驗, functional motor training courses, motor proficiency, ASD, BOT-2





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