
dc.contributor.authorChang, Wei-Chengen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以臺灣漢人的婚禮變遷為例,藉以討論日治時期臺人在長期接觸西方和日本等外來文化之後所產生的文化變遷機制,同時也補足長期以來歷史學界所欠缺之臺灣漢人婚禮文化的演變過程。此外,為了能夠細緻的分析婚禮文化,吾人在此借用人類學「文化叢」(culture complex)的概念,將婚禮拆解為訂婚、結婚和婚後禮等三項,由各種複雜的小單位「文化項目」(culture item)組成之「文化特質」(culture trait)。大抵而言,日治時期的漢人婚禮變遷,可依變遷的動因和特徵,分為兩大時期與五個階段:「臺灣漢人自主性變遷時期」(1895-1931)和「總督府強制性變遷時期」(1931-1945),若再依照時間先後順序區分,兩時期也可劃分為日本統治臺灣的前期和後期。 在臺灣漢人自主性變遷時期,臺式婚禮的改變可依照時代狀況的不同再區分出三階段,但無論是哪一階段,婚禮的改良均由漢人自主性發起。最初的變化始於1911年,因為臺人開始反省傳統風俗文化,同時追求文明化,以致於出現有別於傳統臺式婚禮的「文明結婚」或是「新式結婚」。1915年以後,由於風俗改良團體廣泛設置的影響,全臺各地興起風俗改良的熱潮,促使臺式婚禮的變化更為劇烈,因而創造出模仿基督教結婚式之「新式結婚式」。1920年代,因為新知識分子們推行的新文化運動,臺人的婚禮改革,遂一改先前的溫吞氣氛,轉變成較為激烈的風俗改良。總督府強制性變遷時期則有兩階段,但兩階段的變化相當接近,均以「節約」為最大目的,兩者的差別與世界情勢有關。該時期的婚禮變革,多集中於婚費節約、廢除聘金,以及神前結婚式的推廣。最後,透過日治時期臺灣漢人婚禮的文化變遷,吾人可窺知,當外來文化與原社會居民長期接觸之後,以及殖民統治下,所產生的婚禮文化變遷機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is about the progression of Taiwan Han wedding rites as an example to discuss the cultural changes in Taiwan society in general. The influences during the Japanese colonial period on marriage rites is a good indicator of greater cultural changes in Taiwan. Most of the changes are from simultaneous exposure to both Western and Japanese cultures.This paper also covers the steps of Taiwan Han progression in wedding rites that has not before been covered by historical academic research.By using anthropological culture complex - which is a group of smaller cultural items that are combined with one common trait - to examine the progression of Taiwan Han wedding culture we find that the marriage rites can be divided into three sections; betrothal, marriage, and post marriage ceremony. During the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan Han weddings changes can be split into two periods and 5 stages. It can be split due to characterization and features into the “Taiwan Han autonomy transition period” from 1895-1931 and the “Japanese Colonial government mandatory changes period” from 1931-1945. If using chronological distinction, the two periods can be divided into the early and late periods of the Japanese colonial administration of Taiwan. The first period of the Taiwan Han wedding rites is tied with the changes of the eras and is distinguishable into three stages. At any stage of changes in the marriage rites of Taiwan Han, these choices was autonomous. The earliest significant change was in 1911, Taiwanese began to reflect upon traditional customs and cultures while at the same time following customs from Western modern civilizations. This resulted in the emergence of the Wenming marriage or New Type marriage which was different from traditional Taiwanese marriages. After 1915 there began an increasing movement of improving upon older cultures by different local groups in Taiwan. These older generation Taiwan Han began borrowing cultural elements from Western and Japanese cultures. By and large they felt that borrowing from the other cultures could develop and modernize their own marriage rites, some of which contained elements deemed socially out-molded at the time. The defining feature of the New Type marriage was borrowing elements from Christian marriages. In the 1920’s, increasing numbers of new intellectuals formed the New Culture movement and Taiwan saw a boom in changes in wedding cultures. After 1931 the “Japanese Colonial government mandatory changes period” had two stages, but these two stages had similar changes in that both had the focus of reducing the cost of marriages. The difference between these two stages had largely to do with following popular trends around world. This period also included the phasing out of dowries and promoting Shinto influenced marriages. In conclusion, through the progression of Taiwan marriage rites we can examine what began the cultural evolution of Taiwan Han wedding rites. Older Taiwan Han were exposed to foreign cultures and this acted as a mechanism for cultural changes. The colonial government forced changes upon the culture. These two mechanisms were the greatest factors in affecting wedding rites in Taiwan and from that we can derive the greater social cultural changes in Taiwan society in general.en_US
dc.subjectCulture changeen_US
dc.subjectWenming Marriageen_US
dc.subjectNew Type Marriageen_US
dc.subjectChristians weddingen_US
dc.subjectShinto weddingen_US
dc.subjectBuddhist weddingen_US
dc.subjectcustom improvementen_US
dc.subjectsocial enlightenment movementen_US
dc.subjectculture complexen_US
dc.subjectculture traiten_US
dc.subjectculture itemen_US
dc.titleContact, Colonization and Cultural Adoption: The changes of Taiwan Han Marriage Rites During Japanese Colonial Perioden_US


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