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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市女性運動服裝消費者消費者行為上的差異,透過生活型態的區別,金錢性與非金錢性的促銷方法來分析彼此之間是否存在相關及差異,藉此可以更深入的瞭解各種不同生活型態的女性運動服裝消費者對於促銷方式選擇之間的差異性,使經營者能夠更精準的使用各種促銷方式。 本研究問卷工具內容包含,生活型態AIO量表、促銷方式量表、消費者行為量表與人口統計變項。研究採取便利抽樣,最終回收457份有效問卷。所得資料經描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、集群分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後考驗與皮爾森積差相關等統計方法得其結果提出建議。 所得結果如下:一、本研究之百貨公司購買運動服裝的女性消費者以20~29歲為主,教育程度以大專為主,消費族群以學生和上班族居多,且大部分是未婚。二、購買品牌方面,adidas與NIKE佔了整體品牌70%。三、每週運動一次以上的比例將近七成。四、購買地點則都集中在交通便利以及商業中心附近的地點。五、本研究之生活型態因素構面可分為七種不同的因素以及四種各具特色的集群,並發現不同生活型態都有其特殊的喜好。六、學歷越高者或收入越高者,在各種不同的生活型態因素構面中,都是擁有較強購買力的一群。七、傳統中立型且年紀介於30-34歲間的女性在對比其他的型態的女性上絕大部分平均數都相對較高,顯示這一族群的女性消費者是應該較被重視的一群。八、結婚前與結婚後的女性在購買金額上沒有差異。九、收入越高則購買力越強,惟收入低之消費者,在自我實現因素中顯著高於收入高者。十、透過生活型態與促銷方式之相關分析,可以發現大部分生活型態都偏向感受型消費。十一、生活型態集群與促銷方式因素之間也都達顯著差異。十二、不同生活型態群體的消費者除”被動群”外,大都喜好舒服的購物空間。
The purpose of this study was to understand the female sportswear consumers’ consumer behavior, base on lifestyle and promotion theory to analyze wheather there are differences of relatives between. Thus, we can understand deeply about female sportswear customers’ choices from different lifestyle and promotion. This study use questionnaire as the mehod, including AIO lifestyle scales, promotion scales and consumer behavior scales. The valid samples are 457. The statistical techniques applied are descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The major findinds were follows: 1. Main female sportswear consumers of this study was between 20-29, graduated from college or university, unmarried and most of them were students and office ladies. 2. The best buy brands of this study were NIKE and adidas, about 70%. 3. There were 70% of them going to excising above once a week. 4. Female conseumers shopped in department stores where were more convenient to approach and where were business center located. 5. Female consumers in this study could divide into four clusters. 6. Consumers in this study who get education or income high were paid more for buying sportswear. 7. Consumers who were tradintional and between 30-34 years old should be paid more attention. 8. Married or not showed no difference in what they paid for buying sportswear. 9. More income comes more potentional purchase. But in this study showed difference in lifestyle’s type of self-realization: income lower get higher rate than income better. 10. Through Pearson’s correlation coefficient, in this study, we can figure out that most lifestyle’s type like experiencing promotion than pratical promotion. 11. Lifestyle clusters showed differences in lifestyle’s factors. 12. Most lifestyle clusters like to shop in a cosy shopping space.



運動服裝, 女性消費者, 生活型態, 促銷方式, 消費者行為, sportswear, female consumer, lifestyle, promotion, consumer behavior

