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現今電子書廣泛運用於教育領域。語言教師試圖使用電子書來提升學習者的閱讀理解能力,是由於電子書配有朗讀功能、動畫、聲音、音樂、多媒體效果等。另一方面,有研究指出閱讀電子書會使讀者感到眼睛疲憊、易於分心、閱讀疲乏。為了要幫助學習者閱讀電子書,本研究試圖探究運用圖像組織來提升學習者的後設認知策略及自主學習能力於電子書閱讀。 八十七位大學二年級學生被分配到自製圖像組織組,八十三位大學二年級學生被分配到教師自製圖像組織組。兩組學生完成後設認知問卷與自主學習問卷後,接受為期四週的後設認知策略訓練及製作圖像組織訓練。接著,自製圖像組織組需讀完電子書後再自製屬於自己的圖像組織,並持續十週。教師自製圖像組織組的學生被要求閱讀電子書後,下載教師設計的圖像組織學習單並完成該學習單的空格部分。兩組學生皆須將完成後的圖像組織帶至課堂上,並與組員分享自身的後設認知策略使用與分享該電子書的故事內容。在學期末時,兩組學生完成了十個圖像組織後,並再填寫後設認知問卷與自主學習問卷。 本研究主要發現如下:第一,自製圖像組織組的學生在後設認知策略使用、自主學習信念、自主學習行為,比教師自製圖像組織組的學生有較明顯的顯著差異。第二, 成對樣本t檢定顯示自製圖像組織組的學生在後設認知策略使用及自主行為上有顯著差異。第三,雖然教師自製圖像組織無法直接地幫助學生提升後設認知策略使用,但卻可以有效提升學習者在語言學習的自主行為。 根據上述結果,本研究建議教師可以運用後設認知策略訓練,提升學習者的閱讀能力於電子書閱讀。再者,教師可以讓學生自製圖像組織來提升後設認知意識。最後,教師自製圖像組織可被用來幫助初階學習者了解該讀本內容的因果關係,也能協助初階學習者運用瀏覽的閱讀策略。
Today, electronic books (e-books) are widely implemented in educational context. Language teachers intend to use e-books to enhance language learners’ reading comprehension because of its features of read-aloud function, animation, sound, music video, multimedia effect, and so on. However, previous studies indicated the weakness of reading e-book such as tired eyes, distractions, and lengthy information. In order to help learners read e-books, this study attempted to investigate the effect of graphic organizers on enhancing learners’ metacognitive strategies use and learner autonomy in an e-book reading environment. Eighty-seven sophomores coming from two classes were assigned to the self-generated organizer group and eighty-three were assigned to the ready-made organizer group. Both groups were asked to respond to the questionnaires of metacognitive strategy use and learner autonomy. Metacognitive strategy and graphic organizer instruction were given to self-generated and ready-made organizer groups for 4 weeks. Then, the self-generated organizer group was asked to create their own graphic organizers after reading each e-book. The Ready-made organizer group was required to read an e-book, download ready-made organizer, and fill in the information. Both groups were asked to bring their organizers weekly, discuss their metacognitive strategy use, and share the e-book reading content. In the end of the semester, both groups finishing at least ten graphic organizers were asked to complete the questionnaires of metacognitive strategy use and learner autonomy. The major findings were presented as follows. First, the learners who studied e-book accompanied by a self-generated organizer significantly outperformed the ready-made organizer group on the metacognitive reading strategies use, autonomous beliefs, and autonomous behavior. Second, the results of the paired-sample t-test revealed significant differences regarding the self-generated organizer group’s autonomous behaviors and metacognitive strategies on e-book reading after using self-generated organizer. Third, the ready-made organizer cannot help the learners improve metacognitive reading strategies directly, but it can significantly promote the learners’ autonomous behaviors. Based on the major findings, it is suggested that the training in metacognitive strategy instruction can enhance the learners’ reading comprehension in an e-book reading environment. Furthermore, the EFL instructors can use self-generated organizers to enhance the learners’ use of metacognitive strategy. Additionally, ready-made organizer can help the learners with lower language proficiency understand the relationships of each construct and employ the strategy of scanning.  



後設認知策略, 自主學習, 圖像組織, 電子書, Metacognitive strategies, Learner autonomy, Graphic organizer, E-book

