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雖然過去研究已證實身體活動對執行功能有益,但在學齡前孩童上僅探討身體適能或動作能力對執行功能上的改變,運動強度是否有影響則未有探討。目的:探討不同運動強度對學齡前孩童執行功能的影響。 方法:分成中強度與低強度二組各13人,實施二個月的足球課程,以Polar錶測量心跳監控運動強度,於介入前後實施體適能測驗 (一分鐘仰臥起坐、閉眼單足立、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠與身體質量指數) 與Flanker執行控制作業並記錄事件關連電位。結果:二組前測時並無顯著差異,後測時中強度組與低強度組在Flanker作業上的反應時間與正確率皆有顯著上升,而且P3振幅顯著變大和P3潛伏時間縮短。介入效果可能來自於運動,但是成熟效應、測驗效應、或彼此間的交互作用則無法排除。結論:中低強度運動所產生對執行控制功能正面的影響幾乎一致。
Although the past studies have confirmed that physical activity is good for executive functions, the limited effects of physical fitness or motor ability were focused on the executive function changes in preschoolers. Moreover, exercise intensity was not also controlled. Purpose: This study aimed to explore different exercise intensity effects on executive function in preschoolers. Methods:Two groups were divided into moderate and low intensity groups, 13 children each, participating in football courses for two months with Polar watches to monitor heartbeats to control density. Flanker task and physical fitness test (one minute sit-up, closed-eyes on one foot stand, sit and reach, standing long jump and body mass index) were performed before and after interventional period. Results: Before the test, there was no significant difference between both. Results indicated that two groups performed more accurately on the reaction time and faster on the response time, and P3 amplitude increased and P3 latency shortened significantly. Interventional effect might be due to exercise, but maturation effect, repeated testing effect or even interactions between both could not be ruled out. Conclusion: Low-and-High intensity exercise almost had the same positive impact on control functions.



身體適能, 身體活動, 認知控制, physical fitness, physical activity, cognitive control

