
dc.contributorChen, Hsin-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorHu, Lun-Juen_US
dc.description.abstract融合班級中情緒行為障礙與高危險群等特殊需求學生的挑戰行為和干擾行為,經常影響本身和同儕的學習,使得普通班教師在班級管理上面臨考驗。將正向行為支持理念從個別擴展至班級,以有效的實證性策略來介入管理,鑒於融合班教師的需求與國內相關研究的缺乏,本研究擬探究「班級層級功能本位介入小組」(Class-Wide Function-Based Intervention Teams,簡稱 CW-FIT)方案對改善國小融合班學生課堂參與行為之成效。 本研究以新北市一所國小中年級融合班全班學生與自然科教師為研究對象。自變項是CW-FIT方案,運用其於融合班自然課課堂進行介入管理,分為兩個層級實施,第一層級實施對象為融合班全體學生,先教導教室的適當行為,再透過團體增強(教師讚美、點數給予和消弱等區別性增強)進行介入管理。當CW-FIT第一層級介入之後,若有學生的課堂參與行為低於80%,或干擾行為高於30%者,則加上第二層級的介入,內容包含對個別學生進行自我管理的小團體教學,再於課堂中透過個別化的自我管理紀錄表進行自我評量。依變項是全班學生的團體課堂參與行為(遵從教師指令、獲得適當注意、忽視不適當行為)、個別學生的課堂參與行為和干擾行為,以及教師的讚美/訓誡行為之變化情形。針對融合班全班採單一受試之ABAB倒返設計,個別學生則採ABCAC之實驗設計,整個實驗為期約為11週。 觀察各階段所得的資料以視覺分析與C統計進行分析,再以問卷及訪談建立本研究之社會效度。歸納研究結果如下: 一、 實施CW-FIT方案能有效提升融合班學生團體課堂參與行為,平均約有40-53%的提升量。 二、 實施CW-FIT方案第一層級介入,對個別學生課堂參與行為能有所改善,干擾行為的下降有立即效果,但維持效果不佳;然而加上第二層級自我管理策略的實施,課堂參與行為則更明顯提升,平均提升量到50% ,干擾行為呈現顯著且穩定的下降,平均減少約40%。 三、 實施CW-FIT方案增加教師對學生適當行為讚美的頻率,口頭讚美與口頭訓誡比率,基線期到介入期從1.8提升至10.3。 四、 不論是教師或是學生,對於CW-FIT方案介入的目標、過程和結果都給予正向的回應,表示方案具有社會效度。 最後,本研究亦討論CW-FIT方案對於改善融合班課堂參與之成效、社會效度與CW-FIT方案等如何落實於實務之議題及未來研究方向,以供相關研究與實務教育人員參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe challenging and disruptive behaviors of students with special needs, such as emotional behavior disorders and high-risk groups, frequently affect the learning of students and peers in an inclusive class, thus generating challenges for regular education teachers in classroom management. A class-wide function-related intervention teams (CW-FIT) program based on PBS (positive behavior support), which escalates from an individual to a classroom, is an intervention management program with effective empirical strategies. Because of the requirements of inclusive teachers and the lack of relevant domestic research, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the CW-FIT program on the engagement behavior of elementary school students in an inclusive class. The fourth grade students and their science teacher from an inclusive class of an elementary school in New Taipei City participated in this study. CW-FIT was an independent variable, which was implemented for the intervention management of a science class. The CW-FIT program, a two-level intervention program, was designed for contributing to (a) teaching appropriate classroom social skills, (b) using praise and group contingency to provide differential reinforcement, and (c) eliminating the potential reinforcement of the problematic behavior of all students. For students who demonstrated limited improvement in tasks (the number of sessions< 80%) or disruptive behaviors (the number of sessions > 30%) during the initial implementation of CW-FIT, a secondary level intervention was used. Self-management comprised (a) small group booster sessions for individual students and (b) a minichart for self-evaluation in the class. The dependent variables in the study were group on task (following directions, getting the attention of the teachers, ignoring inappropriate behavior), individual students on task and disruptive behavior, and teacher behavior (praise/reprimands). A reversal single subject design ABAB was used to demonstrate experimental control among the whole class, and an ABCAC reversal was used for participants subjected to self-management for approximately 11 weeks. The data collected at each stage were analyzed through visual analysis and C statistics. The social validity of the study was established using questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The implementation of the CW-FIT program can effectively increase the engagement behavior of students in inclusive classes by approximately 40%–53%. 2. The implementation of the tier-1 intervention of the CW-FIT program can improve the engagement behavior of individual students in the class. Moreover, the reduction in disruptive behavior has an immediate effect, with an unsatisfactory maintenance effect. However, in addition to the implementation of self-management, the engagement behavior was significantly increased, with an average of 50%, and the disruptive behavior showed a significant and steady reduction, with an average of approximately 40%. 3. The implementation of the CW-FIT program increased the frequency of teachers praise for the appropriate behavior of students, and the ratio of verbal praise to verbal reprimand increased from 1.8 at baseline to 10.3 after intervention. 4. Teachers and students positively responded to the aims, processes, and results of CW-FIT program intervention, indicating the social validity of the program. Finally, this study also examined the effects of CW-FIT on the engagement behavior of the inclusive class, social validity, and CW-FIT program. Implications for research and practice are further discussed.en_US
dc.subjectClass-wide function-related intervention teamsen_US
dc.subjectengagement behaviorsen_US
dc.subjectdisruptive behavioren_US
dc.subjectinclusive classen_US
dc.subjectclass managementen_US
dc.titleEffects of Class-Wide Function-Based Intervention Teams on the Engagement Behaviors of Elementary School Students in Inclusive Classen_US


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