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軍事口譯員為各外交、軍事交流場合中重要的媒介,擔任訊息傳遞、文化調節及溝通促進的角色。本研究旨在探討國內軍事口譯員工作滿意度與工作壓力之因素,研究採用問卷調查法及半結構式訪談,以陸洛教授所提出的「職業壓力指標第二版量表」為基礎,依照軍事口譯員工作特性修正題目,量化呈現國軍軍事口譯員的工作滿意度與工作壓力程度,並依據受測者意願進行訪談。研究最終共回收51份有效問卷、6份訪談資料,以統計軟體SPSS進行分析並彙整質性資料。研究結果顯示:一、 軍事口譯員對工作本身滿意度較高,組織滿意度受單位變革程度及傳譯制度影響;壓力源主要來自單位主管及同儕壓力。二、 軍事口譯員對傳譯任務多持正面態度並自願參與。三、 軍事口譯員各人口學變項與工作滿意度、工作壓力無顯著關係。四、 軍事口譯員工作滿意度與工作壓力呈現負相關。本研究有助了解影響軍事口譯員工作滿意度及工作壓力因子,並作為日後研析及制度變革的依據。
Military interpreters(MI) are crucial during diplomatic occasions and military exchanges. MIs serve as message delivers, cultural mediators, and communication facilitators. This study examines job satisfaction and occupational stress among MIs in Taiwan. Data was collected via both questionnaires and semi-structured interview methods amounting to 51 valid responses and 6 interviews. The questionnaire was designed based on the Occupational Stress Indicator II, OSI-2 (Lu, Tseng& Cooper, 1999). The data was analyzed with statistics program-SPSS and qualitative analysis. Primary findings include: 1. MIs are most satisfied with the job itself. However, changes within the organization and the system of MIs also affect their job satisfaction. The major sources of occupational stress come from their commanding officer and colleagues within the unit. 2. The majority of MIs approach interpretation missions positively and voluntarily sign up. 3. There is no significant relationship between MIs’ background and their level of job satisfaction and occupational stress.4. Job satisfaction is negatively correlated with occupational stress among MIs.This study explains the factors which influence job satisfaction and occupational stress amongst MIs and may be used as reference for future system reform.



軍事口譯, 工作滿意度, 工作壓力, 軍事口譯環境, military interpretation, job satisfaction, occupational stress, military interpretation working environment





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