網站改版前後的流量比較分析—以森林遊樂區網站Google Analytics數據為例

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網站,是企業用來與其顧客接觸最便利而且最容易的管道,近年來,隨著網路科技的高度發展,消費者上網的比重逐日成長,無形中產生了許多巨量資料。早期架設陳舊過時的企業網站,己無法因應現今消費者的使用者需求,造成企業發展產生阻礙,甚至可能使企業產生經營上的風險。因此,企業網站經營者必須隨著企業發展的進程,針對網站訪客的需求,對企業網站進行優化,使訪客的使用者體驗持續正向改善。 本研究以森林遊樂區企業網站作為分析標的網站,利用目前最普及使用的網站流量分析軟體Google Analytics收集資料,了解網站訪客的人數及結構變化,並透過多項關鍵績效指標進行評估,如:網頁瀏覽量、每次停留時間、跳出率、回訪率等。另以個案公司企業網站初步改版的內容為主,針對不同來源的網站使用者比較網站改版後新舊訪客各項關鍵績效指標之變化,藉以提升網站使用者之體驗效果。 最後亦透過各項關鍵績效指標變化之結果,做為後續個案公司網站改版方式與未來網站經營方向調整的依據。
Website is the most convenient and easiest channel for an enterprise to encounter its customers. Recently, as the high development of information technology, online consumers grow day by day and create a lot of big data. The outdated corporate website has been unable to meet consumer demand and impede the development of enterprises, which may even jeopardize the operation of enterprise. Thus, the managers of the corporate website have to focus on the needs of visitors and optimize the website to improve the user experience. This study analyzes the website of a forest recreation area and collects the data from the website by using “Google Analytics”, which is the most comprehensive tool of website traffic to understand the amount of visitors and the structural changes of the population. In addition, this study selects some KPIs provided by Google Analytics to evaluate the visitor behavior between pre-modified and post-modified website such as page views, time on site, bounce rate, returning rate, etc. Furthermore, in a preliminary revision of the corporate website content orientation, the case compares the different sources of users to assess the variations of the selected KPIs between new viewers and existing viewers after the modification of website. Then, managers may improve the visitors’ experience through these changes. Finally, managers may adjust the modification of website and the future operations of website based on the results of variations of KPIs.



網站流量分析, Google Analytics, 關鍵績效指標, 訪客行為, big data, Google Analytics, KPI, Visitor behavior





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