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The uniqueness of Taiwan’s cultural background can hardly be overstated; in world-systems theory, the society that dwells on peripheral Taiwan in modern times has been contributed to and shaped by hands from a wide variety of different cultures. Reflecting the general global trend of postcolonial thinking, in the wake of democratization, Taiwan has begun to come to grips with its own distinct cultural identity. However, postcolonial thought can sometimes end up denying the legitimacy of history that has occurred due to colonial influences, which can, ironically, lead to a kind of cultural determinism, where the oldest cultural elements are considered to be the most legitimate. But in a free, democratic society, we should strive to acknowledge the self-identity of individuals as they stand today, and not impose definitions built from their collective cultural past upon them.Shimoyama Hajime (Lin Guangming) was the son of a Japanese policeman and an Atayal “princess.” Paralleling the experience of Taiwan’s peoples, his identity was defined for him by forces beyond his control. Towards the end of his life, the holistic total of his experiences led him to self-identify as Taiwanese. As his memoir and family history, My Family is a Kaleidoscope is simultaneously an explication of the colonial experience and a refutation of all definitions, even those applied in the name of anti-colonialism. Inspired by Kwame Anthony Appiah’s concept of thick translation, Shan Te-hsing’s standard of dual contextualization, and Theo Hermans’ theory of dual dislocation, this thesis seeks to set an example in making minority postcolonial literature accessible, while also adding Shimoyama Hajime’s voice to the global discussion of how colonial pasts should and should not define us.



後殖民, 台灣, 身份認同, 原住民, 泰雅族, 厚實翻譯, postcolonialism, Taiwan, identity, Indigenous, Atayal, thick translation





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