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Agoda 新聞中心的調查中顯示,花蓮於全球最佳住宿旅遊城市排第 16 名,且為亞 洲第 3 名,因此花蓮民宿的永續經營顯得格外重要。近二十年來管理文獻中非常興盛的 商業模式之概念已被廣泛運用在各產業,但由於民宿產業是新興的住宿經營模式,較少 有研究將商業模式套用在民宿經營上,而過去文獻也提到,商業模式可以幫助企業提升 競爭力並為公司創造永續性。因此本研究將針對花蓮縣內鄉村地區 10 家合法民宿進行 半結構式深度訪談,訪談後建立出逐字稿,並且使用歸納分析法,將相關內容分類列入 商業模式九宮格及精實畫布中。根據本研究結果,瞭解民宿經營管理者之經營歷程、花 蓮縣鄉村地區合法民宿經營之現況以及遇到的問題,最後根據逐字稿內容建立出商業模 式九宮格 (如目標客群為喜歡花蓮環境的人、想體驗民宿生活的人等;價值主張為提供 舒適安全的環境、給客人家的感覺等) 與精實畫布 (如問題外部環境變差,解決方案則 是精進自己、開發其他收入來源等),協助鄉村地區民宿業者在未來面對環境變化或挑 戰時,用商業模式九宮格及精實畫布,時時審視經營問題並適時做調整,以降低被市場 淘汰的機率,能因應改變而達到長期永續經營之目標,本研究亦針對結果提出建議 (如 價值主張方面建議提供更深度的旅遊內容,讓顧客體驗到更真實的民宿生活;多推廣民 宿主人的理念,讓顧客感受到民宿的獨特性),本研究結果之商業模式九宮格及精實畫 布能提供新進業者在進入民宿產業前作為參考。
According to the Agoda News Center survey, Hualien ranks 16th among the best accommodation city globally, 3rd in Asia. Therefore, the sustainable operation of Bed& Breakfast (B&Bs) in Hualien is particularly important. Business Model has been widely used in various industries in recent decades. Yet, there are few studies applying business model canvas in B&Bs industry. This study conducts semi-structured in-depth interviews on 10 B&Bs in Hualien. The verbatim transcription was established, and categorized by using analytic induction method. The results showed the state of operations in B&Bs and the problems in Hualien rural area. Finally, the building blocks of the business model canvas and lean canvas were built based on the verbatim transcriptions, such as people who enjoy the environments in Hualien, whose concepts of experiencing living in B&B matched up with the B&B owner’s in customer segments; providing the value of comfort and safe surroundings, and a place that feels like home in value proposition of the business model canvas; Ways to solve poor external environment problems include advancing themselves and exploring other revenue sources. This study aimed to assist B&Bs owners applying business model canvas and lean canvas when faced with constant management issues as to decrease the failure probability of business. The research suggested that B&Bs owners provide an in-depth travel experience, promote the concepts of real B&B life, and establish uniqueness. The business model canvas and lean canvas would help new comers as a reference to manage a B&B.



花蓮民宿, 鄉村地區, 商業模式九宮格, 精實畫布, Hualien B&Bs, Rural Area, Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas

