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玉山水苦賈及其相關類群包含三個在形態上相似的類群,分別為玉山水苦賈(Veronica morrisonicola)、雪山水苦賈(V. tsugitakensis)和玉山前山水苦賈(V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica)。三者皆分佈於高海拔,其中玉山水苦賈分佈最廣,雪山水苦賈的分佈地點侷限在雪山圈谷,而玉山前山水苦賈的分佈地點侷限在玉山前山。本研究利用形質分析和分子資料探討此類群的系統分類問題,特別論及玉山水苦賈的族群遺傳研究。
玉山水苦賈的族群遺傳研究,共使用了142~147個樣本數,合併葉綠體trnL intron和trnL-trnF spacer、核DNA的ITS區域與葉綠體trnD-trnT中的重複片段進行分析。由核DNA結果顯示,基因型歧異度以桃山族群和合歡山族群為最高。檢視基因型關連圖,玉山水苦賈的基因型可分成A、B兩群,其中A群占68%,B群占18.5%。檢視其族群變動歷史顯示,玉山水苦賈的族群數量在A群具有成長趨勢,B群則呈現一個穩定不變的狀態。在族群分化指數中,玉山水苦賈各族群並無顯著分化,由AMOVA檢測呈現族群的變異均在族群內。
由形質分析和分子資料結果,本研究將Huang and Huang (1998)認定的玉山水苦賈處理為玉山水苦賈(V. morrisonicola)、玉山前山水苦賈(V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica) 和雪山水苦賈(V. tsugitakensis Masamune)。
Veronica morrisonicola and allied species contains three morphologically similar taxa, namely V. morrisonicola, V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica, V. tsugitakensis. They are distributed in high elevation (2500-3900 m). V. morrisonicola is the widest distribution species. V. tsugitakensis is limited in Hseuhshan. V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica is limited in Yushanchienshan. The present study investigates the systematic of them by using morphological and molecular data special reference to the population genetics of V. morrisonicola. In morphometric analysis, total of 167 samples and 12 characters were measured. The results of ANOVA show the seven characters are significantly different between the three taxa. PCA analysis and cluster analysis show that trend to separate into three groups. But in V. morrisonicola there is more variety in population of Hohuanshan. Based on the chloroplast DNA, V. tsugitakensis is most distant from other groups. The study estimate divergent time of the three groups in 1.36 Mya and V. morrisonicola and V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica in 0.25 Mya. Population structure analysis of V. morrisonicola were used 142-147 samples. Two chloroplast DNA region (trnL intron and trnL-trnF spacer), nuclear DNA region (ITS) and chloroplast tandem repeat region (trnD-trnT) were used in molecular anlysis. Based on nuclear DNA results, haplotype diversity in population of Taoshan and Hohuanshan are more than others. Based on minimum spaning network, there are two major groups of haplotype in V. morrisonicola. There are 68% in group A and 18.5% im group B. Based on bayesian skyline results indicated that group A was expansion but in group B. According morphometric and molecular data, the present study treat V. morrisonicola, V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica, V. tsugitakensis.
Veronica morrisonicola and allied species contains three morphologically similar taxa, namely V. morrisonicola, V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica, V. tsugitakensis. They are distributed in high elevation (2500-3900 m). V. morrisonicola is the widest distribution species. V. tsugitakensis is limited in Hseuhshan. V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica is limited in Yushanchienshan. The present study investigates the systematic of them by using morphological and molecular data special reference to the population genetics of V. morrisonicola. In morphometric analysis, total of 167 samples and 12 characters were measured. The results of ANOVA show the seven characters are significantly different between the three taxa. PCA analysis and cluster analysis show that trend to separate into three groups. But in V. morrisonicola there is more variety in population of Hohuanshan. Based on the chloroplast DNA, V. tsugitakensis is most distant from other groups. The study estimate divergent time of the three groups in 1.36 Mya and V. morrisonicola and V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica in 0.25 Mya. Population structure analysis of V. morrisonicola were used 142-147 samples. Two chloroplast DNA region (trnL intron and trnL-trnF spacer), nuclear DNA region (ITS) and chloroplast tandem repeat region (trnD-trnT) were used in molecular anlysis. Based on nuclear DNA results, haplotype diversity in population of Taoshan and Hohuanshan are more than others. Based on minimum spaning network, there are two major groups of haplotype in V. morrisonicola. There are 68% in group A and 18.5% im group B. Based on bayesian skyline results indicated that group A was expansion but in group B. According morphometric and molecular data, the present study treat V. morrisonicola, V. morrisonicola var. yushanchienshanica, V. tsugitakensis.
玉山水苦賈, 系統分類, 族群遺傳, Veronica morrisonicola, systematic study, population genetics