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早年《教育改革總諮議報告書》建議以增加大學招生容量、廣設高中及推動多元入學等方式,暢通升學管道以紓解升學壓力。然而,近年來國、高中學生補習的情形,更為普遍。於此一時,學齡孩童媽寶行為也開始盛行,並為人所詬病,因此本研究將已上述補習班林立以及媽寶行為之產生為研究背景,進一步分析持續補習意願與媽寶行為之關係,說明臺灣目前補習文化的現況,並指出媽寶行為、三種補習投入(行為、情感、認知)與持續補習意願對於影響補習之重要性。 首先,透過次級資料的彙整,整理出台灣補習教育發展狀況,並透過簡單的博弈理論解釋台灣補習文化,接著探討媽寶行為覺知,補習行為投入及持續補習意願,並說明其意涵。其二,以問卷的形式收集了293份補習班學齡學童之資料,進行樣本結構及SEM模型分析,得到以下結果: 1. 生活媽寶行為覺知對補習行為投入具有負影響 2. 生活媽寶行為覺知對補習情感投入具有負影響 3. 生活媽寶行為覺知對補習認知投入具有負影響 4. 課業媽寶行為覺知對補習行為投入具有負影響 5. 課業媽寶行為覺知對補習情感投入具有負影響 6. 課業媽寶行為覺知對補習認知投入具有負影響 7. 補習行為投入對持續補習意願具有正影響 8. 補習情感投入對持續補習意願具有正影響 9. 補習認知投入對持續補習意願具有正影響 最後,本研究整理文獻觀點與研究實證,針對補習班業者以及一般民眾提出研究發現與建議。
In the early years, the "General Education Reform Report" recommended that the expansion of university's enrollment, the establishment of high schools, and the promotion of multiple enrollment channels to relieve the pressure of further studies. However, in recent years, the situation of tutoring in cram schools for national and high school students is still common which may be due to parents’ attitude. Therefore, this study attempted to explore how the parents’ attitude toward life and academic hovering that even influence their children’s engagement in cram schools. Particularly, English tutoring are prevailed in Taiwan cram schools, then this study targeted those students attended English cram schools to test the correlates between two types of helicopter parenting, tutoring engagement in cram schools. The purposive sampling was adapted in this study to deliever questionnaires to those students attended English cram schools around Taouyuan city. Data of 293 were collected and were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of this study showed as follows. 1. Perceived being life hovered is negatively related to tutoring behavior engagement 2. Perceived being life hovered is negatively related to tutoring emotional engagement. 3. Perceived being life hovered is negatively related to tutoring cognitive engagement 4. Perceived being academic hovered is negatively related to tutoring behavior engagement. 5. Perceived being academic hovered is negatively related to tutoring emotional engagement. 6. Perceived being academic hovered is negatively related to tutoring cognitive engagement. 7. Tutoring behavior engagement is positively related to continue intention of tutoring. 8. Tutoring emotional engagement is positively related to continue intention of tutoring 9. Tutoring cognitive engagement is positively related to continue intention of tutoring. Finally, this study sorts out the literature views and research evidence, and proposes research findings and recommendations for the tutors and the general public.



持續補習意願, 媽寶行為覺知, 補習, 學習投入, English cram schools, learning engagement, tutoring, helicopter parenting, Mummys’ child





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