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本研究旨在探討不同資優類別的國中資優生在過度激動特質、創造力表現及兩者間之相關。研究對象為台北縣、市五類國中資優班學生共529人,以「我的特質量表」與「新編創造思考測驗」為研究工具,以描述統計瞭解資優生在過度激動與創造思考之關係,透過變異數分析、Pearson積差相關考驗過度激動特質與創造思考在不同自變項上之差異,並結合訪談同時具高度想像過度激動特質與創造力之學生,分析探究過度激動與創造力的關係。本研究之研究結果分述如下: 一、 國中資優生的過度激動特質表現 1.不同類別的國中資優生在心理動作、智能與情緒過度激動之得分差異有達顯著水準。 2.男生在心理動作與智能高於女生;女生則在感官與情緒高於男生。 3.感官過度激動在「類別與性別」有交互作用,表示性別是否影響資優生在感官過度激動的表現,需視類別而定,反之亦然。 4.國中資優生在五種過度激動特質分配呈現高分組與中上組之人數多於低分組與中下組,顯示國中資優生具過度激動特質的比例偏高。 二、 國中資優生的創造思考表現 1.不同類別在語文流暢力、圖形流暢力、圖形獨創力和圖形精進力之得分差異有達顯著水準。 2.不同性別在語文流暢力、語文變通力、語文獨創力與圖形獨創力之得分差異有達顯著水準,且為男生高於女生。 三、 國中資優生過度激動特質與創造思考能力之相關情形 1.心理動作與語文流暢力、語文變通力、語文獨創力、圖形流暢力、圖形變通力、圖形獨創力之相關達到顯著水準。感官與圖形流暢力、圖形變通力之相關達到顯著水準。智能、想像與創造思考之相關達到顯著水準。情緒與創造思考之相關未達顯著水準。 2.不同資優類別間其過度激動特質與創造思考能力之相關以心理動作、智能與想像與多數創造思考測驗之相關達到顯著水準。 3.不同性別在心理動作、智能、想像過度激動特質與多數創造思考測驗之相關達到顯著水準。 四、資優生對想像過度激動特質之訪談內容 資優生對想像內容之描述可分為「神靈的感受」、「虛幻的思考」、「豐富的想像」、「生動的畫面」四部分。而高度想像過度激動的特質為資優生帶來如創作、人際適應、情緒適應等正面影響以及上課不專心等負面影響。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the overexcitabilities (OEs) traits and creativity of gifted students, and to explore the relationship between OEs and creativity. Subjects include 529 7th and 8th gifted students in Taipei City and Taipei County. Data collected by “The Me Scale” and “New Creativity Test”. The main findings of this research are stated as follows: 1) There are significant differences between academically students and talented students on POE, TOE and EOE (P<.001). 2) The male gifted students show more significant POE (F=18.94,P<.001) and TOE (F=11.73,P<.001) then female gifted students. The female gifted students show more significant SOE (F=15.28,P<.001) and EOE (F=17.03,P<.001) then male gifted students. 3) Most of the gifted students get higher score on five subscales of overexcitabilities. 4) There are significant differences between academically and talented students on verbal fluency, figure fluency, figural originality and figuralelaboration (P<.05). 5) Gender differences are at more significant level (P<.01) on creative ability except the elaboration. 6) There are significant positive correlation between POE, SOE, TOE, MOE and most of the creative ability(.21≦r≦.09,P<.05). 7) Gender differences have significant positive correlation between POE, TOE, MOE and most of the creative ability. 8) Academically students and talented students have significant positive correlation between POE, TOE, MOE and most of thecreative ability. 9) According to the interview with 5 gifted students, who have strong imaginational overexcitability could be well-adapted in social adjustment, emotional adjustment and easier to creative. On the other hand, strong imaginational overexcitability could make gifted students distraction in the regular class.



資優生, 過度激動特質, 創造力





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