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本研究旨在探討科技輔具輔助教學對國小中低功能自閉症學生購物行為之學習成效。研究採用單一受試跨受試多探試設計(基線期-介入期-類化期之實驗設計),並訪談參與本研究之學生教師及家長對科技輔具輔助教學的評估意見,作為補充設計。研究對象為三名國小中低功能閉症學生,皆為男生,其中兩位四年級,一位六年級,自變項為「科技輔具」包括:購物活動光碟、購物流程照片及結合微電腦語音溝通板,依變項為「購物行為」是指受試的購物技能及口述購物動作能力。以目視法加以分析,研究結果如下: 一、中低功能自閉症學生在教學後,購物技能呈驟昇進步,三位學生皆達目標水準,並能類化至其他情境。 二、中低功能自閉症學生在教學後,乙丙皆達目標水準;甲生未達目標水準,因受限於本身的仿說句長及對部分語彙的理解。而三位學生皆能將習得的口述動作能力類化至其他情境。 三、據教師及家長評估意見,皆肯定運用科技輔具輔助教學對三位學生購物行為的學習成效。並且因購物行為能力的提昇,相對增進學生的精細動作、膽量、音量及改善在購物情境出現的浮動、自言自語等問題行為。實驗結束後,教師及家長皆能繼續執行購物行為的相關訓練。 根據上述研究結果,進行綜合討論與探討研究限制,並對教學及未來相關研究提出建議。
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of using assistive technology to assist teaching on purchasing behaviors for elementary students with moderate to low functioning autism. A design of single-subject multiple probe across subjects (from baseline, intervention to generalization phases design)was adopted. Meanwhile the interview with the teachers and students of the students was inquired. Their point of view about the effect of assistive technology will be taken into consideration to assist teaching on purchasing behaviors. As regards the subjects, three boy students with autism (two in the fourth grade and one in the sixth grade)were chosen. The independent variable was “assistive technology” including purchasing activity of videodisc, the photographs of purchasing activity procedure and AAC. The dependent variable was “purchasing behaviors” including the subjects of purchasing and orally describing the purchasing action skills. Data were analyzed by visual analysis method. The results are summarized as follows: 1. After teaching, the students with moderate to low functioning autism of purchasing skills demonstrated amazing progress, and three students all achieve objective standard and could generalize to other conditions 2. After teaching, the students could use oral expression to describe the purchasing actions skills. Students both B and C achieved objective standard and could generalize to other conditions. Student A failed to achieve the standard required because he was not incapable of expressing the longer length of the sentences and clearly understanding some vocabulary. Nevertheless, he was able to generalize to other conditions within his limited ability. 3. The feedback of the subjects’ parents and teachers indicated that the effects on assisitive technology to assist teaching on purchasing behavior for the three students were positive. Also the progress of purchasing behaviors promoted students’ fine motor skills, courage, volume, and improved such problem behaviors as restlessness and the murmuring to himself. After the end of the study, both teachers and parents continue conducting about the training of purchasing behaviors. According to the above mentioned results, discussions, and limitations of this study, some recommendations for the teaching and further studies were made.



自閉症, 購物行為, 科技輔具, 視聽教學媒體, 輔助溝通系統, autism, purchasing behavior, assistive technology, audio-visual instructional media, AAC





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