2016年里約奧運跆拳道女子組-67公斤級韓國金牌選手OH, Hyeri比賽技術分析

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摘 要 本研究旨在探討2016年里約奧運跆拳道女子組-67公斤級的韓國選手OH, Hyeri,在比賽中的跆拳道技術運用以及慣性、特性的表現,提供跆拳道教練參考,並使跆拳道競技運動大放異彩,本研究利用影帶系統觀察分析,並使用Excel統計資料,針對比賽主要攻擊動作、主動、被動、右腳、左腳、正拳以及對戰時的姿勢,所搭配的各種攻擊技術動作,其中攻擊次數與得分百分比進行量化分析後,所獲得的結論: 一、攻擊型態:為主動攻擊型選手。主動攻擊次數155次 (73.89%),左腳次數160次 (78.82%),主動左前腳攻擊次數最高,被動次數48次 (26.11%)左前後腳,但次數不多。攻擊腳偏左腳,但在被動得分方面,為左前站姿,被動前腳與後腳能相互運用,各種不同的技術動作,如下壓、勾踢、旋踢、後踢皆能得分,由此統計資料分析可得知OH, Hyeri選手,不管在主動攻擊與被動攻擊,在跆拳道技術動作方面擁有多樣化動作模式。二、攻擊技術:比賽攻擊皆以旋踢92次 (45.32%)為主,下壓41次 (20.2%)與側踩59次 (29.06%)為輔助攻擊動作,則後踢6次 (2.96%)在四場比賽當中,僅兩次得分。技術的施展以旋踢為主,配合高得分率的上端動作,發揮出壓倒性的攻擊效果,但技術發揮侷限於旋踢、下壓、側踩三種動作運用。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the Rio 2016 Olympic women's Taekwondo group -67 kg OH, Hyeri Korean players, Analysis the use of Taekwondo palyer OH, Hyeri in the competitions and inertia, characteristics。The results will be reference of Taekwondo coaches, and the Taekwondo sports strive for further improvement, In this study usesd video observation and analysis system, and the Excel statistics according to the data, the game main attack action, active and passive, right foot, left foot, and fist of wartime posture, The technique of the attack by the action of collocation, which get the number of attacks and the score percentage of quantitative analysis, the conclusions: First, attack type: OH, Hyeri is an active attacking player. Active attack posture for the left front, active attack times and the highest scores the highest rate of passive left front foot, but a few times, both players take the initiative to attack. Attack foot partial left foot, the left front to step right after the battle position, but change into the right front left rear to war posture, active right front foot attack can also play the Raiders score, but in passive scoring, standing before the left, front and rear can use passive, various different Taekwondo technical movements, following pressure, hook kick, kick, kick after all can score, the statistical data analysis that South Korea's, no matter in active attack and passive attack, with diversified operation mode in the aspect of Taekwondo movement. Second, attack technology: game attacks of OH, Hyeri have been dominated by spin, lower pressure and inner suspension for auxiliary attack action, then kicked in four games, scoring only once. The display of the technique was mainly based on the high scoring rate of the spin kick, with the high scoring rate of the upper end of the action, to play an overwhelming attack effect, but the technology was limited to three kinds of technical movements, namely, spin kick, down pressure and internal suspension.



攻擊型態, 攻擊技術, 主動攻擊, 被動攻擊, Attack type, Attack technology, Active attack, Passive attack





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