頂尖職業選手發球優勢探討 - 以2007年四大公開賽男女單打比賽為例

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頂尖職業網球選手發球優勢探討 - 以2007年四大公開賽男女子單打比賽為例研 究 生:張凱隆 摘 要 指導教授:劉錦璋 民97年7月 本研究目的為分析職業網球選手在發球局的發球優勢所造成之直接得分以及間接得分情形。本研究方法以2007年四大公開賽男、女單打準決賽至決賽24場比賽為研究對象,利用描述統計來進行統計分析。結果在職業選手發球局中的發球得分表現,男、女子平均每局發球直接得分佔1.66分(41%)、1.53分(39%)及發球後的銜接一至三拍內佔1.94分(49%)、1.87分(49%)為最高。綜合以上職業男、女選手非受迫性得分只佔總得分的23%、30%,因此,職業選手在比賽中都具有優勢得分表現。本研究結論為掌握發球優勢除了可以直接得分外,亦可讓對手產生大量防守性的回球,此時可應用積極的方式來延續發球優勢,造成「間接優勢」得分。 關鍵詞:網球、發球、發球優勢
An Exploration of Service Dominance of Top Professional Tennis Player: Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Singles in 2007 Grand Slam 2007.7.1 Kai-Lung Chang Advisor: Gin-Chang Liu ABSTRACT The research intends to analyze professional tennis players’ (both male and female) direct and indirect points result from service dominance at service game. Researcher uses descriptive statistics to analyze 24 games of semi-finals and finals in 2007 Grand Slam, and found that the highest results of direct points in each game are 1.66 (41%), 1.53 (39%), and 1.94 (49%), 1.87(49%) in 1 to 3 hits after serve. To sum up, points caused by opponents’ unforced error only take up 23% of the total score in men’s singles, and 30% in Women’s. Therefore, professional players usually perform dominantly in scoring in matches. In conclusion, in addition to score from opponents’ unforced error, keep service dominance can also make the opponents to react defensively. Then the player can hold the service dominance constructively and score from “indirect dominance”. KEY WORD: Tennis, Serve, Dominance of Service.



網球, 發球, 發球優勢, Tennis, Serve, Dominance of Service





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