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《堂吉訶德》(Don Quijote de la Mancha) 是西班牙文藝復興時期大文豪塞萬提斯 (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) 的偉大傳世巨著。這部十七世紀的作品是西方文學史上的第一部現代小說、西班牙黃金時代和整個西班牙文學經典中最有影響力的文學作品,亦是世界文學的珍寶。曾經不少研究者寫了學術論文探討全世界最知名西班牙小說,同時也被翻譯成140多種語言,但對於《堂吉訶德》不同譯本的翻譯研究以及歷史比較分析研究卻相當少。 本研究試圖從歷史比較分析探討不同語言如何翻譯世界文學的鉅作。本博士論文的目的是分析《堂吉訶德》之兩個英譯本,皮耶爾·安托萬·莫妥 (Pierre Antoine Motteux) 和伊迪絲·格羅斯曼 (Edith Grossman) 的譯本,和兩個中譯本,即楊絳和董燕生的譯本;前兩個譯本直接從西班牙文翻譯成英文,後兩個譯本直接從西班牙文翻譯成中文,專注於英、中譯本的翻譯策略,並比較英文與中文譯者不同翻譯技巧。本研究發現雖然時代不同、語言不同,但是中英譯者的考量有不少相似之處,皮耶爾·安托萬·莫妥和楊絳專注於目標讀者 (target reader),歸化 (domesticating) 堂吉訶德來獲得觀眾的認可,而伊迪絲·格羅斯曼和董燕生注重於保留原西班牙文小說的特色,採用多種異化 (foreignizing) 翻譯策略和現代讀者使用的當代目標語言 (target language)。 在台灣,中英文翻譯研究越來越多,但中西文翻譯領域的研究仍然非常稀少。在世界上,只有少數翻譯研究比較和分析三個或更多語言,即使二十一世紀是多語言 (multilingualism) 的時代。本論文同時也是全世界《堂吉訶德》第一個英、中譯本歷史比較分析研究,同時也是結合世界三大語言在同一個研究文本中的研究。
There is a plethora of literature in different languages written on one of the most famous Spanish novels and one of the greatest literary works in the history of the world: Don Quixote (Don Quijote de la Mancha). Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra at the beginning of the 17th century, is considered the first modern novel of Western literature and the most influential literary work from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon. Much has been written around the world about this Spanish novel, but few comparative research studies between translations of Don Quixote in different languages have been carried out until now, even though Cervantes’s novel has been translated into more than 140 languages. Thus, my purpose is quite different from the existing literature on Don Quixote. My doctoral dissertation aims to carry out a comparative study between two English versions, Pierre Antoine Motteux’s and Edith Grossman’s translations, and two Chinese versions, Yang Jiang’s and Dong Yansheng’s translations, of Don Quixote. I attempt to examine the translation strategies in both English and Chinese renditions and compare the different techniques used by English and Chinese translators when translating Cervantes’s novel, emphasizing how translation strategies may vary through different times and across languages. In general terms, Motteux and Yang Jiang were focused on the target reader, domesticating Don Quixote to gain the approval of the audience, while Grossman and Dong Yansheng were more concerned about preserving the language of the original Spanish novel, employing several foreignizing strategies and a contemporary target language usage adapted to modern society readers. In Taiwan, studies in the field of Chinese-English translation are becoming more fashionable, while studies in the field of Chinese-Spanish translation are still very scarce. In the world, only a few translation studies compare and analyze three or more languages, even though the 21st century is the time of multilingualism. This is the first historical comparative study of Don Quixote’s English and Chinese translations in the world, bringing together in the same research the three major world languages.



《堂吉訶德》, 塞萬提斯, 英譯本, 中譯本, 歷史比較分析, 翻譯史, Don Quixote, Cervantes, English translation, Chinese translation, historical comparative analysis, translation history





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