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近年來從新聞報導與教育現場中,不難看到教師兼任行政職務的意願低落,學校行政團隊對於學校穩定與校務發展扮演極重要角色,更是推行教育政策與創新發展的領頭羊,若長期處於更迭動盪狀態,是學生學習與教育發展的危機,本研究針對一所公立國民中學為研究核心,訪談七位教師,受訪對象為兩位兼任主任、三位兼任組長與兩位曾兼任行政職務之教師,半結構訪談之質性研究方式進行,旨在瞭解行政工作經驗與感受,在個人層面、組織層面與系統層面的各項挑戰與困境,輔以生態系統架構分析影響教師兼任行政職務之因素,以回應當前教育現場之困境。 當前兼任行政職務教師,薪資、國家政策、學校氛圍、工作負荷、升遷等不滿足;責任、人際關係滿足與否因人而異;學習獲得滿足,根據個案研究分析與發現,歸結本研究的結論如下: 壹、教師兼任行政職務在個人、組織與系統層面上面臨許多挑戰與困境。 貳、影響教師兼任行政職務的個人內在層面有責任心、較能勝任行政工作、配合 個人規劃與個性;個人外部層面有人情因素、簡章規定或家庭。 參、影響教師兼任行政職務的組織層面有學校氛圍、資源掌握度和領導者、同事 的人際關係。 肆、影響教師兼任行政職務的系統層面有薪資、寒暑假課稅制度與假期福利。 伍、透過滿足激勵與降低保健等因素,能增進教師兼任行政職務的意願。
School Administration Team plays an important role on maintaining administrative school works, and implementing education policy and innovative development. In the recent news report, it is common to see that teachers are unwilling to take the part-time administrative positions. This study mainly focuses on a public junior high school in city of Taipei. Interview was conducted by seven teachers, including two directors, three leaders, and two teachers who participated in administrative roles. Semi-structured interview was conducted at the individual level, organizational level and policy level. An analytical framework of ecosystem was used to help us understand more in-depth about the current obstacles and challenge of the current education scene. Teachers who accepted the part-time administrative roles were not satisfied with their salaries, national policies, school climate, workload and promotion today. School administrators validated differently in terms of shared responsibilities and social relationships. However, they all were satisfied with the learning from administrative tasks. Based on data analysis, I would concluded on the following: 1.Teachers taking on administrative positions meet challenges and difficulties on the personal, organizational, and policy levels. 2.Factors affecting teacher taking on administrative roles ate the personal level are the following. Internal dimensions: responsibility, ability to succeed in administrative roles, personalities, and career goals. External dimensions: Human factors, rules and regulation, family responsibilities. 3.Factors affecting teachers taking on administrative roles at the organizational level are school culture, resource management, interpersonal relationship and the leader of the particular group. 4.Factors affecting teachers taking on administrative roles at the policy level are salary, Tax policy, vacation and benefits. 5.Through fulfilling motivational and lowering health risk factors, it could increase the willingness of teachers taking on administrative roles.



教師兼任行政工作, 生態系統理論, part-time administrative work, ecological system theory

