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Li, Kai-kuang

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National Taiwan Normal University Department of History


中日戰爭結束後,國民政府因為國內有民主化的要求,復以希望爭取國際援助,在內外的雙重壓力下,決定在各地成立參議會,做為地方民意機關,以便推行地方自治,做為實施憲政的基礎。本文以上海市參議員選舉過程為中心, 探討在選舉過程中所發生的種種問題。首先在人口普查上,市政府進行的時間過短,很多區域應該是由保甲長自行填報,沒有真正普查。製作選舉人名冊也出現不少過失,由於逼近投票日才完成,錯誤和疏失應該很多。在競選活動方面,總計有1,195 名候選人角逐181 個席次。候選人主要透過廣播發表演說,或是在公園直接發表政見,也有宴客及接受報紙訪問來爭取支持。1946 年4 月28 日投票時,市政府在投票所設置上出現極大瑕疵,超過200 萬的選民只有100 個投票所,造成秩序混亂。再加上許多選民無法書寫選票,需由代書人書寫,有候選人收買代書人在書寫選票時舞弊。還有候選人雇用流氓闖入投票所妨害投票,造成一部分區域中止投票。從選舉結果報告書中得知,幾乎所有選區的領票數與投票數都有一定程度的落差,顯示投票與開票的過程中,遺失不少選票。可能不少人領票而未投票,甚至遭到有心人取出調換。選舉結束後有區長退勸候選人的事件,但是被市政府及時阻止。總之,在內戰的陰影下,政府雖有意推行民主,卻因選前準備不足,選舉中亦有暴力事件阻撓,選舉後也有區長勸退當選人,使得普選之良法美意蒙上陰影。
After the Second Sino-Japanese War was over, the national government decided to establish local parliaments to serve as the elected representative assemblies at the request of domestic democratization and with the hope of obtaining international assistance so that it might implement the practice of autonomy. This study is aimed at discovering the issues generated in the process of election based on the case of Shanghai Senator Election. First of all, concerning the issue of census, since the city government spent an extremely short period of time conducting the population census, a great number of heads of baojia simply reported the results voluntarily without conducting the real census at all. On the other hand, there were many mistakes in the roll of candidates. Moreover, this roll was not completed until the voting day was approaching, so mistakes and flaws could have been made easily. Regarding the election campaign, there were 1,195 candidates in total fighting for 181 parliament seats. These candidates mainly addressed to their supporters by means ofthe radio broadcast, giving public speech in the park, holding banquets, or interviews with newspapers. Yet, on the election day of Apr. 28th, 1946, Shanghai city government made another big mistake. It offered as less as 100 polling booths for more than 2 million voters to cast their votes. In such a chaos, many illiterate voters had some representatives write the name of candidate on their behalf. Therefore, some candidates took advantage of them, bribing these representatives into fraudulence. On the other hand, some candidates hired gangsters to interfere the polls. As the report of election result suggests, a lot of votes were missing from nearly all polling booths. It was possible that many voters failed to go to the polls although they had claimed their votes. Or, some votes were switched in the process of counting and announcing the ballots. After the election was over, some heads of districts attempted to


