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This study examined the relationship between complex oral language and phonological awareness in 20 tribal aboriginal children. 20 participants between 5 and 6 years of age were from aboriginal regions of northern Taiwan. The test materials assessed were receptive vocabulary, personal narratives, measures of phonological awareness, including syllable, tone, rime and onset awareness, and test of nonverbal intelligence. The results revealed that the scores of receptive vocabulary were mostly above the average of the norm. Regarding personal narratives, the number of clauses were fewer, the number of words differed greatly, the narrative structure were mostly two- or three-event narratives and leapfrog narratives without either a high point or an ending. The performances of syllable and rime awareness were mostly better than tone and onset awareness. Additionally, rime awareness was significantly correlated with onset awareness. Controlling age and nonverbal intelligence, oral language, including word comprehension and narrative discourse, was significantly correlated with syllable awareness. According to the findings, discussions and implications were also included.
This study examined the relationship between complex oral language and phonological awareness in 20 tribal aboriginal children. 20 participants between 5 and 6 years of age were from aboriginal regions of northern Taiwan. The test materials assessed were receptive vocabulary, personal narratives, measures of phonological awareness, including syllable, tone, rime and onset awareness, and test of nonverbal intelligence. The results revealed that the scores of receptive vocabulary were mostly above the average of the norm. Regarding personal narratives, the number of clauses were fewer, the number of words differed greatly, the narrative structure were mostly two- or three-event narratives and leapfrog narratives without either a high point or an ending. The performances of syllable and rime awareness were mostly better than tone and onset awareness. Additionally, rime awareness was significantly correlated with onset awareness. Controlling age and nonverbal intelligence, oral language, including word comprehension and narrative discourse, was significantly correlated with syllable awareness. According to the findings, discussions and implications were also included.
原住民族幼兒, 口語能力, 敘說結構, 聲韻覺識, aboriginal children, oral language, narrative structure, phonological awareness