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隨著教育環境改變,學校面臨諸多新挑戰,必需跳脫傳統的學校經營模式,追求長期穩定的永續經營。如今隨著107課綱的頒布,強調學校本位及特色課程,學校勢必發展校訂必修及多元選修課程。學校課程架構的大規模變革,需要教師共同參與。中間領導係一種領導策略,中層人員成為促進組織變革效率及完整性的關鍵。學校中間領導強調教師跨學科領域的專業合作,讓原本由上至下的決策透過中介的作用,改由下而上的參與決策,中間領導者被賦予決策的自主性,成員透過多次來回的溝通進而達成共識。領導者間彼此間相互信任、依賴、合作,中間領導者搭起學校行政與教師之間的橋樑,形成擴大水平式的新領導型態,更多的教師能夠加入課程改革的歷程,使決策不但集結了教師們的專業力量與創意同時具備學校整體性視野。 本研究透過個案研究,運用訪談、觀察、文件分析等方式進行研究,旨在了解學校在轉化107課綱以及課程改革的脈絡之下,如何運用中間領導策略,透過中間領導團隊推動課程改革與創新,探究學校中間領導團隊運作情況,並進一步分析學校中間領導與學校課程改革之過程與成效。 根據個案分析結果,本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、個案高中中間領導的發展脈絡分為兩階段,第一階段為組織再造,由行政團隊主導,打底建基;第二階段積極回應課程轉化,以中間領導團隊為主體,推動校內課程發展。 貳、中間領導的組織運作須獲得高層領導的關注與扶植,建立系統性分工機制提升組織團體動能,漸進推動學校課程轉化。 參、中間領導具策略性與策動性角色與意義,可促進團隊領導、課程轉化與學校永續發展。
Schools have encountered waves of challenges within the changing educational environment. The traditional leadership style could hardly meet the new needs are required to learn and adapt to these new challanges. Along with the release of Newly Revised Curriculum Guidelines which focused on school-based and featured curriculum, schools have to develop their own required and elective courses. Since the scale of school curriculum restructuring is large, it is necessary to involve professional teachers as many as possible. Middle leadership is a strategic leadership style. It is a kind of leading group bridging potential leaders with tasks and turn these joint-action into the drivers of integrated and effective change in their organization. The interdisciplinary collaboration makes the traditional top-down decision-making process to transfer into a bottom-up, participatory process, in which middle leaders have been given the decision-making autonomy and encouraged to express their own opinions so as to reach a consensus. On the basis of mutual trust and cooperation, middle leaders build the bridge between the senior leadership team and teachers, creating a horizontal organizational leadership structure to involve more teachers in the decision making process of curriculum reform. The decision made by middle leaders not only represented the enlarged participation of the school but also professionalism and creativity of the teachers. This study focused on the implementation of middle leadership in one senior high school. It aimed to find out the picture of the leadership model, strategy and performance. The major research results and conclusions are as follows: 1.The development process of middle leadership in this case is divided into two stages. The first stage was to restructure the school foundation led by the senior leadership team. The second stage was to redesign the school-based curriculum led by the middle leadership team. 2.The operation of middle leadership team relied on the support from senior leadership team by establishing a systematic mechanism of resource allocation, pushing forward curriculum reform in school gradually. 3.The strategic meaning of middle leadership was to improve the school leadership, accelerate curriculum reform, and sustain the pro-active action. Based upon the results, some suggestions have been provided.



中間領導, 學校本位課程轉化, 107課綱, Middle Leadership, Implementation of School-based Curriculum, The 107 Guidelines

