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本研究旨在發展「未來想像傾向量表」。經由文獻分析,研究者擬訂未來想像傾向量表預試題目,先以臺北市358名高中學生為預試樣本,並透過項目分析及探索性因素進行刪題,萃取出量表因素為「超越現實」、「鑒往知來」、「情感價值」、「情節建構」,並確認正式量表題目。接著以臺灣北中南東四區共1338名高中職學生為正式樣本進行施測,以驗證性因素分析進行構念效度的驗證,並分別與威廉斯創造性傾向量表、想像力特質問卷、華─葛氏批判性思考量表精簡版WGCTA中文版求取其相關,和估算高職學生未來想像傾向得分的差異,來做為效標關聯效度之證據。研究結果如下: 一、研究者針對「未來想像傾向」構念編製量表,包含「超越現實」、「鑒往知來」、「情感價值」、「情節建構」四個測量面向。 二、「未來想像傾向量表」在信度方面,其內部一致性Cronbach's α全量表為 .92,各分量表為 .83~ .86;在建構效度方面,其基本適配度、整體模式適配度和內在結構模式適配度,四個因素累積解釋變異量達57.20%;與想像特質、創造性傾向均有中度以上相關,與批判思考有低度相關;此外,本量表以高職設計類科學生為效標組,與其它類科學生比較起來,確實有較高得分。 最終,研究者依據研究結果提出建議,供後續研究及實務工作之參考。
The main purpose of this study was to develop The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition. According to the analyses of previous researches, the researcher devised the pretest of The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition. First, the researcher recruited 358 senior high school students living in Taipei City as pretest-sample students. Through the methods of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, future imagination disposition was extracted into 4 factors: (1)beyond reality (2)past review and future prediction (3)emotion and value (4)plot construction. Then, the given questions of the scale could be formally confirmed. Furthermore, the researcher recruited another 1338 senior high and vocational high school students from northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan as formal sample students. In light of the confirmatory factor analysis, the researcher could testify the construct validity. Meanwhile, they took the test of Test of Divergent Feeling, Imagination Disposition Test, and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal to get the separate correlations as the evidence of criterion-related validity. Also, compute the difference of the scores which design department students got higher scores than other department students as the evidence of criterion-related validity.The results are as followed: 1. The researcher develops The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition which includes our measuring factors-"beyond reality", "past review and future prediction", "emotion and value" and "plot construction". 2. In the reliability of The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition respect, the Cronbach's internal reliability of consistency α equals to .92, with 4 subscales' α ranging from .83 to .86. In the construct validity of The Scale of Future Imagination Disposition respect, its preliminary fit criteria, overall model fit and fit of internal structure model can explain approximately a total variance of 57.20%. There is medium positive correlation between the score of future imagination disposition and that of imaginative traits and creative disposition. There is low positive correlation between the score of future imagination disposition and that of critical thinking. Furthermore, design subject of vocational students are defined as a criterion group. Compared with other subject of vocational students, design subject of vocational students get higher grades. At last, the researcher provided some suggestions according to the outcome for future studies and practical work.



想像, 未來思考, 未來想像傾向, imagine, future thinking, future imagination diposition





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