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姬蛛亞科(Theridiinae)為姬蛛科中最大的亞科,廣泛分布於世界各地。目前全球已知41屬1128種。常見於樹林、灌叢及人造建築角落,結條網或不規則網。姬蛛亞科的蜘蛛間疣消失且不具剛毛,雄蛛觸肢脛節上方具有較小的前側與後側觸毛,生殖板上方具有分散的雄孔上紡管。本研究檢視國立台灣師範大學生命科學系館藏標本,並至全台各地採集新鮮材料作為研究之用。採集時以目視法為主,掃網為輔,發現蜘蛛後以小型玻璃管捕捉,並以70%~75% 酒精固定保存。保存的標本將使用解剖顯微鏡(Leica M32)進行觀察、鑑定以及繪圖測量。本研究結果顯示台灣產姬蛛亞科蜘蛛共有13屬42種,其中Chrysso linchuanensis Zhu& Zhang, 1992 靈川麗蛛, Chr. bimaculata Yoshida, 1998 雙斑麗蛛, Platnickina maculata (Yoshida, 2001a) 多班普雷尼克蛛, P. mneon (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) 莫恩普雷尼克蛛, Nipponidion okinawense Yoshida, 2001a 沖繩日本蛛, N. yaeyamense (Yoshida, 1993) 石垣日本蛛, Takayus takayensis (Saito, 1939) 湯高蛛和Yunohamella lyrica (Walckenaer, 1841) 琴尤諾蛛,共八種為台灣首次記錄。Chikunia nigriopsis 擬黑千國蛛, Chi. lanyuensis 蘭嶼千國蛛, Chrysso megapora 大孔麗蛛, Chr. taiwanensis 台灣麗蛛,和 Platnickina taiwanensis 台灣普雷尼克蛛,共五種為未描述之新種。此外Chikunia albipes (Saito, 1935) 多色千國蛛為排除種,Theridion elegantissimum Roewer, 1942 為疑問種。
Theridiinae, the biggest subfamily of Theridiidae, distributes widely around the world. Up to the present, a total of 41 genera and 1128 species have been recorded. They inhabit among the forests, shrubs and corners of man-made buildings with a three dimension web or a single line web. Subfamily Theridiinae is defined as: absence of colulus and its replacing by setae, reduction in both prolateral and retrolateral trichobothria on the male palpal tibia, and epiandrous gland spigots spread over genital plate. I examined all Theridiinae specimens housed in the Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, and also collected fresh samples with bare eyes or with the aids of sweeping net from various localities of Taiwan. Spiders were captured by using small glass tubes, and preserved in 70%~75% ethyl alcohol for measurements and identification. Alcohol–preserved specimens were drawn and measured under a stereomicroscope (Leica M32). The result of present study shows that a total of 13 genera and 42 species of the subfamily Theridiinae were found from Taiwan, including 8 newly recorded species: Chrysso linchuanensis Zhu& Zhang, 1992, Chr. bimaculata Yoshida, 1998, Platnickina maculata (Yoshida, 2001a), P. mneon (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906), Nipponidion okinawense Yoshida, 2001a, N. yaeyamense (Yoshida, 1993), Takayus takayensis (Saito, 1939) and Yunohamella lyrica (Walckenaer, 1841), and 5 new species: Chikunia nigriopsis sp. nov., Chi. lanyuensis sp. nov., Chrysso megapora sp. nov., Chr. taiwanensis sp. nov. and Platnickina taiwanensis sp. nov. Besides, Chikunia albipes (Saito, 1935) is excluded from the spiderfauna of Taiwan, and Theridion elegantissimum Roewer, 1942 is considered as a doubtful species in Taiwan.



蜘蛛目, 姬蛛科, 姬蛛亞科, 新紀錄種, 新種, 台灣, Araneae, Theridiidae, Theridiinae, new records, new species, Taiwan





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