The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between Pho-Phi-Kat and empathy of junior high school students and their parents. The measurements used were PhoPhiKat-30 Scale and The Interpersonal Reactivity Inventory. 343 junior high school students from 5 schools,360 their fathers and 405 their mothers participated in this study. The results are as followed:1)Among their parents, there were difference on Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism. Katagelasticism of fathers both had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism of mothers. 2)On gender, there were differences on Katagelasticism and empathy. 3) Katagelasticism of fathers had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophobia of children. Katagelasticism of mothers had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism of children. Gelotophobia of children had a significant and positive correlation with empathy. Katagelasticism of children had a significant and negative correlation. After researches and analyses, three ridicule styles of parents had a correlation with children, school could offer educational activities to improve the ridicule style of parents. And three ridicule styles of students had a correlation with empathy, school could offer interpersonal and empathy courses to improve the ridicule style of students.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between Pho-Phi-Kat and empathy of junior high school students and their parents. The measurements used were PhoPhiKat-30 Scale and The Interpersonal Reactivity Inventory. 343 junior high school students from 5 schools,360 their fathers and 405 their mothers participated in this study. The results are as followed:1)Among their parents, there were difference on Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism. Katagelasticism of fathers both had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism of mothers. 2)On gender, there were differences on Katagelasticism and empathy. 3) Katagelasticism of fathers had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophobia of children. Katagelasticism of mothers had a significant and positive correlation with Gelotophilia and Katagelasticism of children. Gelotophobia of children had a significant and positive correlation with empathy. Katagelasticism of children had a significant and negative correlation. After researches and analyses, three ridicule styles of parents had a correlation with children, school could offer educational activities to improve the ridicule style of parents. And three ridicule styles of students had a correlation with empathy, school could offer interpersonal and empathy courses to improve the ridicule style of students.
國中生, 父母, 嘲笑風格, 怕被笑, 喜被笑, 喜笑人, 同理心, junior high school students, parents, ridicule styles, Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia, Katagelasticism, empathy