

本研究旨在探討直接教學模式對國中聽覺障礙學生在英語科學習的成效,研究對象為四名七年級中重度聽覺障礙學生,研究方法採單一受試研究法A1-B1-A2-B2的實驗設計。本研究主要結論如下: 一、直接教學模式能提升四名受試者學習英語的成效,並且整體而言保留成效也不錯,其中二名學生保留效果較好。 二、四名受試者在「字彙拼寫」的學習效果及保留成效最好,其次是「文法選擇」,最後為「閱讀理解」。 三、四名受試者總結性評量表現在原班的排名有進步,回到原班參加全校定期考查時的成績排名也有小幅進步,顯示四名受試者接受資源班直接教學模式的補救教學有效。 四、直接教學模式能改善二名學生的學習態度,而學習態度有提升者其學習成效也較好。 五、四名受試者對於直接教學模式均感到滿意,對教學內容的滿意度高低依序為「字彙拼寫」、「文法選擇」、「閱讀理解」,與學習成效結果的順序相同,顯示對學習成效越有幫助的教學越能使學生感到滿意。對直接教學要素中的「清楚的反應訊號」、「同聲反應」滿意度最高。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Direct Instruction (DI) on English learning for junior high school students with hearing impairment. The participants were four seventh grade junior high school students with hearing impairment. An A1-B1-A2-B2 single-subject experimental design were employed to examine the effects of Direct Instruction. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Direct Instruction (DI) was helpful for four subjects to learn English. The maintenance effects of the two subjects were better than the others. 2. The performances of “vocabulary spelling” were the best, following were “grammar selection” and “reading comprehension” 3. All subjects showed better performances in summery evaluation in their own classes than before. They also showed a slightly progress in the mid term exam. It indicated that DI is a useful teaching model for hearing impaired students in the resource room program. 4. DI improved English learning attitude and academic achievement. 5. All subjects showed their satisfaction to DI model. On the satisfaction scale, “vocabulary spelling” had the highest score, followed by “grammar selection” and “reading comprehension”. The better the achievement gained, the more satisfaction showed. “Clear response signal” and “unison response” were the most satisfied DI components.



直接教學, 聽覺障礙, 英語學習, 國中, Direct Instruction, hearing impairment, English learning, junior high school

