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Office of Research and Development
道家以老莊為巨擘,然其始則起於西周的史官。本論文縱論道家流變之跡,起於西周,終於魏晉,凡分六期:一、形成期:西周史官的原始道家。二、成熟期:春秋 史官老耳冉的思想。三、全盛期:我國下半葉道家的多元發展,可分三派:(一)莊子學派。(二)黃老學派。(三)楊朱學派。四、黃老期:漢初的黃老思想。 五、科學期:東漢王充和張衡的道家思想中的科學精神。六、蛻變期:魏晉的道家思想。
Lao-Tze and Chuang-Tze were representative figures of Taoism in Pre-Chin period. Theorigin of Taoism could be derived from the historical officials in Western Chou Dynasty. Thepaper allocates the changes of Taoism from Western Chou Dynasty to Wei-Jin period to sixsegments: 1. The formation period: the primodial Taoism of Western Chou Dynasty's hisorical offi cials. 2. The maturity period: the Lao-Tze thoughts in Spring-Autumn periods. 3. The full development period: the period of warring states can be divided as: A. the Chuang-Tze scholar type B. the Huang-Lao scholar type C. the Yang-Chu scholar type 4. The Huang-Lao period: the Huang-Lao thoughts in the beginning time of Han Dynasty. 5. The scientific period: the scientific ideas from Wang-Chung and Chang-Hen. 6. The Changing period: the Taoism in Wei-Jan periods.
Lao-Tze and Chuang-Tze were representative figures of Taoism in Pre-Chin period. Theorigin of Taoism could be derived from the historical officials in Western Chou Dynasty. Thepaper allocates the changes of Taoism from Western Chou Dynasty to Wei-Jin period to sixsegments: 1. The formation period: the primodial Taoism of Western Chou Dynasty's hisorical offi cials. 2. The maturity period: the Lao-Tze thoughts in Spring-Autumn periods. 3. The full development period: the period of warring states can be divided as: A. the Chuang-Tze scholar type B. the Huang-Lao scholar type C. the Yang-Chu scholar type 4. The Huang-Lao period: the Huang-Lao thoughts in the beginning time of Han Dynasty. 5. The scientific period: the scientific ideas from Wang-Chung and Chang-Hen. 6. The Changing period: the Taoism in Wei-Jan periods.