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棒球為台灣的國球,但自1997年來中華職棒連續發生五波假球案,致使台灣球迷對於中職品牌產生懷疑,球迷大量流失。本研究旨在探討台灣職棒球員放水偏差行為之自覺性,以中職首宗假球案時報鷹「黑鷹事件」球員為研究對象,並以偏差行為理論為基礎,探討球員內在價值信仰及外在社會控制互動之因果關係,並進而分析其涉案之成因、類型及其對於個人生涯、台灣棒球環境所產生之影響。本研究採用深度訪談法與文獻分析法,就所蒐集之文獻資料,比對球員、球團管理人員及專家學者之深度訪談,加以整理、歸納、分析。 研究結果發現,「黑鷹事件」球員對於放水偏差行為皆具自覺性,其涉案遠因為球員養成過程法律觀念、運動道德感薄弱;其偏差行為類型,包括生活紀律不佳、賭博、暴力及賄賂四種,彼此互為因果。從其涉案近因及行為來看,球員是在面對金錢誘惑、同儕情誼、地下賭盤、黑道壓力、球團不公平對待、聯盟制度不佳、職棒大環境偏差等等外在社會控制因素影響下,做出打假球之偏差行為。 本研究亦發現「黑鷹事件」對於涉案球員個人及家庭皆有深遠影響,球員除了喪失個人職棒生涯及名譽外,部份涉案球員的兒子亦因父親的過失以致棒球事業拖延或無法再打職棒。對整個職棒環境的影響是造成球迷大量流失,而在八成球員涉入,六隊皆有球員放水的大環境偏差下,檢調辦案只辦「黑鷹事件」球員,球團、聯盟也無有效危機處理能力,亦造成中華職棒賭害無法根除,隨後一連發生四次假球事件的不良影響。
Baseball is Taiwan's national sport, but the Chinese Professional Baseball League(CPBL) has seen five cases of bribery since 1997. They have dealt a serious blow to CPBI as a brand, and more and more fans, deeply hurt and disappointed, have simply stopped caring about the games. This study has as its theme the causes and types of the deviation behavior of the players involved in the scandals, as well as the impact of the behavior on the sport as a whole in Taiwan. The study adopts in-depth interview methodology, reinforced by comparative analyses of relevant documents, data, player information, interviews of team managers, experts and scholars. The study finds that the players who got involved in the "Eagles scandal" did so consciously. Some causes for that has thair roots in the lack of proper formative process on their way to becoming professional players, as well as a lack of legal concept. The types of deviation behavior, including poor self-discipline, gambling, violence and bribery, complicate one another. Properly understood, quite a number of factors have contributed to such a behavior as match-fixing or throwin a game. Among the factors are: temptation of money, peer pressure, wrong-headed frienship, underground gambling, a union system gone awry, and an environment not conducive to the development of sportsmanship. The study also finds that the "Eagles scandal" has some profound impact on the players and their families. It's not only that the players have their career cut short and their reputation ruined for good. A number of their children also have had their baseball career delayed or stripped. A more general impact can be seen in many baseball fans turning their back on the games. Given that as much as 80 percent of professional players and many as six teams grew corrupt, the scale of the scandals are striking. Yet all the prosecutors have done is going only after the Eagles. Neither have the clubs and CPBI shown any respectable capacity for crisis management. This is one of the reasons why the evil of gambling in Taiwan's professional baseball games have never been rooted out, and four cases of match-fixing have followed the Eagles scandal in a row.



偏差行為, 職業棒球, 黑鷹事件, deviation behavior, professional baseball, Eagles scandal

