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本研究旨在了解國中生對於英語能力分組學習的看法與學習經驗,並探討可能影響國中生英語能力分組學習經驗的因素。本研究以臺北市一所公立國中八年級共兩個班級的學生為研究對象,採用個案研究,透過觀察、訪談與文件分析的方式,藉此方法予以觀察教師與學生之情形來蒐集資料;而訪談對象為學生,透過訪談了解學生對於英語能力分組的看法;文件分析包括觀察紀錄表、訪談紀錄表、課堂講義、學習單及評量考卷等。根據研究發現,本研究結論歸納如下: 壹、國中生認為英語能力分組是「好壞學生區隔」、「有幫助」且「提升能力」、「沒有壓力」且「簡單」,有實施之必要。 貳、國中生認為英語能力分組的學習內容無重大改變,學生雖不喜歡課堂的學習單,但學習單比課本有趣且對考試有幫助。 參、國中生認為教師進行英語能力分組較一般英語課幽默且會使用學生的語言,教學方式主要以講述式為主,國中生喜歡以活動的方式進行課程。 肆、在英語能力分組中,國中生習慣紙筆測驗的評量方式,且十分在意評量分數。 伍、國中生在英語能力分組中,喜歡自行選擇教室的座位,並且認為同儕會影響學習。 陸、學生個人、教師教學、家庭背景及學校環境等因素,可能影響國中生英語能力分組的學習經驗。 再根據研究結果,本研究進一步對教育場域及後續研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand the views and the learning experiences of junior high school students in English ability grouping, and to explore the factors that may affect the learning experiences of the junior high school students. This study used two classes in the eighth grade of a public school in Taipei City as a research object. Observation, interviews and document analysis were used to collect the information. The interviewees were students, and the interviews were used to understand the students' views on the English ability grouping. The document analysis included observation records, interview record sheets, lecture notes, worksheets and assessments. According to the research findings, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Students think that English ability grouping is the way to differentiate good and bad students. It’s helpful and is able to enhance their abilities and it’s simple and there is no pressure while learning in the English ability grouping. 2. Students believe that there is no major change in the content of the English ability grouping. Although students do not like the worksheets, they are more interesting than the textbook and helpful for the exam. 3. Students think that the teacher in English ability grouping is more humorous than the general English class and will use the student's language. The teaching method is mainly based on the grammar translation, and students prefer to have more activities during the class. 4. Students in the English ability grouping are used to the written test, and they are very concerned about the scores. 5. Students like to choose their own seat of the classroom and they think that peers will affect their learning. 6. Factors such as "students’ personal traits", "teachers’ teaching", "family background", "school environment" may affect the learning experience of students' English ability grouping. Finally, based on the research results, further suggestions are made for the education field and subsequent research.



英語能力分組, 學習經驗, 雙峰現象

