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隨著全球人口消費習慣的改變,網路購物人口逐年成長,實體通路業者也開始搶食線上銷售的大餅,其使用行銷文宣、網站圖文編排來促使消費者做出非預期性的衝動購物,以增加銷售業績。然而除了電商前五大平台,更有不少消費者轉而在可互動的社交平台:臉書(Facebook) 、Line私人群組( 或Line@官方帳號)消費,社交平台期望使用人與人之前的互動影響,改變消費者購物的決策,這些社交平台多半屬於「私密性質」,加入必須得到邀請或是經過團主核准始能進入社團,研究者能取得的資訊相當有限,使得研究數據難免有遺珠之憾。為進一步探討消費者的深層想法與其購買之行為,故本研究針對曾經使用臉書購物的族群,預期透過問卷方式蒐集資料,從數據發現以五大人格特質為出發點,探討並研究分析消費者Facebook個人貼文,找出消費者生活軌跡與個人喜好,進而提供主動行銷的資訊,以達到提升銷售業績之效。
The changes in the consumption habits of the global population, the online shopping population has grown year by year, and the brick-and-mortar channel operators have also start to selling their products online. Marketing promotions and graphics are use to promo and make consumers to unexpected impulse purchases to increase their sales performance.However, in addition to the top five e-commerce platforms.There are many consumers try to use interactive social platforms: Facebook, private group of Line (or Line@ official account) consumption.Social platforms expect to use the influence of people to interactions and change consumers' shopping decisions. Most of these social platforms are "private", and it must be invited to join or only approval by the leader of the community.And researchers obtain the information is quite limited. In order to further explore the deep thoughts of consumers and their purchasing behaviors, we are aimed at the groups who have used Facebook for shopping. It is expected to collect data through questionnaires.By the data finding, based on the Big-five personality traits to explore and analyze consumers' personal posts on Facebook. Try to find out the life trajectory and personal preferences of consumers, and then provide promo information to achieve the effect of improving sales performance.



五大人格特質, 社交平台, 臉書, Big-Five personality traits, Social Platforms, Facebook





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