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本研究旨在瞭解非營利運動組織社會資源現況,探討不同背景變項的非營利運動組織在社會資源連結認同情形及阻礙因素之差異情形,並分析認同情形與阻礙因素間之相關情形,且提出對非營利運動組織連結社會資源之建議。透過問卷調查方式,以經內政部許可成立並以行政院體育委員會為目的事業主管機關,且具國際組織對口之全國性單項運動協 (總) 會,計有中華民國田徑協會等75種運動種類之協 (總) 會為研究對象。問卷結果採描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較及皮爾森積差相關進行統計分析。該研究結果綜整討論後,獲致以下結論: 一、 非營利運動組織社會資源募集之主導者以「理事長」居多,募集類型以「財力資源」為主,主要來源為「政府部門補助」,對於社會資源募集的執行程度以「普通」居多。 二、 非營利運動組織社會資源認同情形以「組織效能」反應程度最高;認為「體制阻礙」為社會資源募集的主要阻礙因素。 三、 非營利運動組織之組織類別、服務年資,對組織連結社會資源之認同情形與阻礙因素並無顯著差異;而在組織成員人數、會員人數及背景經歷,則達顯著差異。 四、 非營利運動組織社會資源連結認同情形與阻礙因素呈現低度相關,並且以認同情形之組織效能,對阻礙因素之觀念阻礙、能力阻礙影響最大。 本研究建議非營利運動組織在以組織績效為基礎的前提下,應增加社會資源連結的相關資訊,妥適建構資源募集的運作機制,方為組織長期經營之道。
The purpose of the study was to recognize the current situation of gaining social resources for non-profit sport organizations. The difficulties and the methods of gaining resources from society, and the relationships between the two conditions were discussed. In addition, the suggestions were also provided to the non-profit sport organizations after the data was anylyzed. The survey was distributed to national sport associations which were established by Ministry of the Interior, worked under Sports Affairs Council,Executive Yuan and associate with the Sport Accord. Including, track and field association, 75 national sport associations participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc test, and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis. The results were following: 1. Obtaining resources from either the government or the society was led by the directors of the associations. The main resource from the government was financial support, which was also the main focus for the associates, and the society did not distribute as much as the government did. 2. The main challenge of gaining resource from the society was System Defects and the main support of gaining resource from the society was Organized Efficiency. 3. The correlations among organization and difficulty and methods of gaining resource were not influenced by the types of organization and working experiences but were affected by the number of employees, the number of members, and the background of the people who were in the organizations. 4. The relationship between difficulty and methods of gaining resources was low. The Perspective Challenges and Ability Challenges were influenced most by the Organized Efficiency from Supportive aspect. The suggestion of operating a non-profit sport organization was that the non-profit sport organization should gain more information and make more connection with society to obtain more supportive resource. In addition, the procedures and the system of obtaining resource should be established by the organizations.



非營利組織, 非營利運動組織, 社會資源, Non-profit organization, Non-profit sport organization, social resource

