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伴隨〈十二年國民基本教育課程總綱〉於108學年度開始實施,台灣教育現場邁向了「素養導向」時代。然而,過去由於升學主義的影響,第一線公民科的教學,常流於最小限度的社會科學知識灌輸。對於在當代社會極為重要的公共議題論辯能力,並未有適切的觸及。也因此,如何在有限的課程時數內,以有效的教學模式與輔助工具促成學生「公共議題論辯能力」的發展,乃是在此波改革下不可迴避的議題。  在本研究中,研究者以高二社會組的「公共議題與社會探究」課程為場域,以「WebQuest網站」為主要網頁鷹架,嘗試發展出適切的公共議題探究課程。而本研究在研究方法上,採取實驗研究為主之設計,希望藉此探討以WebQuest為工具輔助學生執行公共議題探究對公共議題論辯能力五大構面產生之影響,而除了實驗研究外,本研究也以半結構訪談、文件分析為輔助,以了解學生在探究過程中的成長,以及遇到的困難與觀感。而在經過一學期的教學後,本研究的結果如下: 一、相較於Ucamdemy這類學習資源上傳平台, WebQuest網站更可以幫助學生在「能掌握議題的背景脈絡與爭議點」、「能了解議題中不同利益相關方之立論」、「能有效且正確地引述證據並解釋之」等構面,以及整體的公共議題論辯能力上有更好的表現 二、在提供足夠網頁鷹架(不論Ucamdemy、WebQuest)的情況下,循序、持續性、結構性的公共議題探究課程,都能幫助學生在公共議題論辯能力各構面上有顯著成長 三、以WebQuest網站輔助的公共議題論辯課程,可以有效幫助學生綜合對議題的基本了解、議題中不同立場的論點、有效的證據,發展出對議題的獨立觀點四、以WebQuest網站輔助的公共議題論辯課程,能解決諸如無法聚焦探究方向、資訊來源不明、充斥偏頗立場訊息等議題探究過程常見的問題。五、WebQuest網站能有效降低學生在議題探究過程中的學習焦慮,降低學生開始探究的門檻六、WebQuest網站能幫助學生在網站資源的基礎上找尋更多學習資源,藉此聚焦、深化、精緻化對於論辯議題的思考  除了前述幾項結論外,本研究也在第五章部分,透過回顧研究施行歷程與成果,分別歸結出了幾項對於公共議題論辯課程與教學以及對於未來相關研究的建議,希望能給予未來對於相關領域有興趣的研究者與教學者參考。 關鍵詞:Webquest、公共議題論辯能力、公民教育、公民素養、議題中心教學、探究與實作
With the implementation of the"Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education", education in Taiwan has entered "competency-based" era. However, in the past, due to the influence of university entrance examinations, the teaching of civics education in Taiwan was often limited to "minimal instillation of social science knowledge." There is no proper emphasis on "the ability of critical thinking on pubic issues", which is very important in contemporary society. Therefore, under this wave of reforms, how to use effective teaching methods and auxiliary tools to promote the development of students' " ability of critical thinking on pubic issues" is an unavoidable issue.    In this research, the "Public Issues and Social Inquiry" course in the second grade of high school was chosen as the field, and the "WebQuest website" as the main web scaffolding, in order to develop an appropriate public issue inquiry course. In terms of research methods, this research adopted quasi-experimental research as the main design, hoping to explore the influence of using WebQuest as learning Scaffolding in“public issues and social inquiry courses” on 5 sub-abilities of"critical thinking on pubic issues" of high school students. In addition, semi-structured interviews and document analysis were added as supplements to this research so as to understand students’ growth, difficulties, and perceptions in the process of inquiry. After one semester of teaching, the results of this research are as follows: 1. Compared with the control group (only using learning materials integration platforms such as U. camdemy to assist public issues inquiry), students in the experimental group (using WebQuest to assist public issues inquiry) performed better in the three sub-abilities of"understanding the background and controversy of the issue", "understanding the arguments of different people in the issue", and "quoting and explaining the evidence correctly". 2. When sufficient web scaffolding is provided (for both the experimental group and the control group), continuous and structured public issues inquiry courses can help students improve "the ability of critical thinking on pubic issues" significantly. 3. The public issue argumentation course supplemented by the WebQuestwebsite can effectively help students integrate “basic understanding of the issue”, “arguments of different positions in the issue”, and” effective evidence”, and develop their own perceptions of the issue.4. The public issue argumentation course supplemented by the WebQuest website can solve common problems in the process of issue inquiry such as inability to focus on the direction of inquiry, lack of credibility in finding information, and usage of biased information.5. WebQuest website can effectively reduce students’ learning anxiety in the process of issue inquiry, and lower students’ threshold to start issue inquiry.6. WebQuest website can help students find more learning resources on the basis of website resources, and use these to focus, deepen and refine their thinking on public issues   In addition to these research conclusions, this research also summarized several suggestions on teaching public issues inquiry courses and future research through reviewing the implementation and results of the research. This research hopes that these suggestions can help researchers and teachers in related fields in the future. Keywords: Webquest, The ability of critical thinking on public issues, Civic Education, Civic literacy, Issues-Centered Approach, Inquiry and Practice



Webquest, 公共議題論辯能力, 公民教育, 公民素養, 議題中心教學, 探究與實作, Webquest, The ability of critical thinking on public issues, Civic Education, Civic literacy, Issues-Centered Approach, Inquiry and Practice





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