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身心障礙者的生活品質(quality of life)的議題近幾年逐漸受到重視,障礙者的生活不應只在物質條件上得到滿足,更應該在心靈生活獲得充實。根據Erickson(1950)的心理社會發展論,大學階段的重要發展任務為與他人建立良好的親密關係,因此,有必要針對其對於婚姻的態度與擇偶偏好進行深入的了解。 本研究旨在探討台北市各大學院校之視覺障礙學生婚姻態度與擇偶偏好現況差異,以及相關情形。研究採用問卷調查法,以107學年度安置於台北市之視覺障礙大學生為對象,使用IBM SPSS Statistics 23 for windows進行資料分析與整理,結果如下: 婚姻態度方面,視障大學生不會因為障礙而放棄對於婚姻的追求,但並不認為婚姻是親密關係的唯一達成方式,相信姻緣天注定的看法,並能對於自身所面對的困難有所覺知,且有信心能面對,找尋找伴侶上不會只侷限在障礙者,其他身心障礙者甚至是明眼人都是其考慮的範圍。而不同性別、年級、致障時間、視力狀況、父母相處、親子互動、宗教信仰、異性交往之視障大學生在婚姻態度上呈現不同差異。 擇偶偏好方面,較重視雙方個性與價值觀的契合,對於外在條件如:容貌、身高較不重視,而對方父母的接納以及親子互動也是的考量因素。此外,在社會條件中擇偶較為偏好如:良好的就業能力、職業、經濟狀況等,而不同性別、年級、致障時間、視力狀況、父母相處、親子互動、宗教信仰、異性交往之視障大學生在擇偶偏好上呈現不同差異。 相關性方面,婚姻的認知態度與擇偶偏好的生理條件為中度相關,在心理條件、家庭條件、社會條件為低度相關;情感態度與擇偶偏好的生理條件、家庭條件、社會條件為低度相關,在擇偶偏好的心理條件為中度相關;行為態度與擇偶偏好的生理條件、心理條件、家庭條件、社會條件為低度相關。 最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,提供大學資源教室、視覺障礙學生家長、視覺障礙學生、未來從事相關研究者參考。
The quality of life for people with disabilities is important in recent years. The people with disabled can be wealth of the mind in everyday. According to Erickson(1950) psychosocial development theory, the important development task at the university is establish a good relationship with others. Therefore, it is necessary to understanding to their attitudes for marriage and mate preferences. The study is Survey the differences in the marriage attitudes and mate preference for university students who are visual impaired in Taipei City. Using questionnaires to survey students with visual impairments in Taipei City. Using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 for windows for data analysis, the results are as follows: In terms of marriage attitude, visually impaired students will not give up for pursuing marriage happiness, They does not think that marriage is the only way to establishes relationship for other,They believe Marriage are made in heaven, they has been facing a lot of ordeals at marriage but they can overcome difficulties, Visually impaired students with different genders, grades, time of obstruction, visual status, parental interaction, parent-child interaction, religious beliefs, and heterosexual interactions have differences marriage attitudes. In terms of mate preference, The conditions such as appearance and height are not important, and the acceptance of parent and parent-child interaction is also a consideration.In addition, in social conditions, mate choice is more like: good employee, occupation, economic status, etc, by the way , the different gender, grade, obstacle time, vision status, parental relationship, parent-child interaction, religious belief, heterosexual contact students have different mate preferences. In relevance, the cognitive attitudes of marriage and the physiological conditions of mate preference are moderately related, and the psychological conditions, family conditions, and social conditions are lowly correlated; the physiological conditions, family conditions, and social conditions of emotional attitudes and mate preferences are low.Correlation, the psychological conditions of mate preference are moderately correlated; behavioral attitudes are closely related to physiological conditions, psychological conditions, family conditions, and social conditions of mate preference. Based on the research results, provided to provide suggestions for university resource classrooms, parents of visually impaired students, visually impaired students, and future researchers.



婚姻, 擇偶偏好, 視覺障礙, Marriage, Mate preference, Visual impairment





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