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從台灣東洋畫的發展源流探討,日本長野縣出生的畫家鄉原古統(1887-1965),扮演著相當重要的角色。自1917年來台,到1936年返回日本,長達二十年的在台生涯,鄉原古統不但從事美術教育工作,促成台灣美術展覽會的開辦,連續擔任九屆台展東洋畫部審查員,並且在教學之餘積極參與各種畫會、展覽會活動,更於藝術的創作路途上不遺餘力。 本論文試圖以宏觀的角度,梳理豐富且龐雜的資料,研究現藏於台北市立美術館鄉原古統的《麗島名華鑑》與《台北名所圖繪十二景》。此兩件作品,不同其以往於台灣美術展覽會展出的大型作品,以特殊形制結合浮世繪的元素,圖繪台灣特有植物和台北風景。 本論文首先關照鄉原古統的生命歷程,釐清他在台灣美術史上的定位。其次,藉由實作調查、文獻探討、風格與圖像學、鑑識科學與統計分析等方式,發現鄉原古統於台北第三高女的學生,以及栴檀社成員在當時臺展的植物花卉作品入選中引領風潮。梅村米三郎、小林松僲、高橋月海、石川欽一郎、國島水馬和鄉原古統的名所繪分別展現日治時期不同階段的臺灣風光,也反映畫家的心境。從這些綰結於鄉原古統的議題,重新對於日治時期植物花卉作品與名所繪產生新的詮釋觀點,探討日治時期台灣美術的發展,也重新理解鄉原古統的《麗島名華鑑》與《台北名所圖繪十二景》所蘊含的歷史、文化與藝術的意涵。
To study the origin of the Toyo painting of Taiwan, we know that Gobara Koto (1887-1965) born in Nagano-ken Japan, play an important role. He came to Taiwan in 1917 and went back to Japan in 1936. In these 20 years, he not only worked hard on painting but also on art education, and actively participated in many of studios and exhibitions. Furthermore, he established the Taiwan Official Art Exhibition, and served as judge of 1st to 9th in the Toyo painting part of Taiwan Official Art Exhibition. This article is about Gobara Koto’s works, “ Pictures of the famous flowers of Taiwan” and “Twelve pictures of Taipei famous places”, which are collections of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. These works, different from huge works in Taiwan Official Art Exhibition, used special skills to combine elements of Ukiyo-e, drawing the unique Taiwan plants and Taipei scenery. This article introduces the Gobara Koto’s life at first, defining his role in the history of Taiwan art. Secondly, through documents, iconology, forensic science and statistical analysis, we find that Gobara Koto’s students, Taipei Third Senior High School students and the members of Sen Den Club, lead the trend of the plants and flower works in Taiwan Official Art Exhibition. Umemura Yonesaburou, Kobayashi Shousen , Takahashi Gekkai, Ishikawa Kinichiro, Kunishima amenbo and Gobara Koto‘s pictures of famous places present Taiwan’s scenery in the different stage of Japanese Colonial period.We do the research on“ Pictures of the famous flowers of Taiwan ” and “Twelve pictures of Taipei famous places”. Then, we could have the totally new point in plants, flower and pictures of famous places work in Taiwan art of Japanese Colonial period.



鄉原古統, 膠彩畫, 東洋畫, 麗島名華鑑, 台灣美術, 台北名所圖繪十二景, Gobara Koto, glue color painting, Toyo painting, “ Pictures of the famous flowers of Taiwan ”, Taiwan Fine Art, “ Twelve pictures of Taipei famous places“

