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This thesis focuses on the system of"Yimin Jingbiao" (義民旌表 honour conferring of righteous citizens) in Ming Dynasty and the individuals recognized by the state as "Yimin" (義民 righteous citizens) and "Yiguan" (義官 righteous officials). It explores the government's emphasis and utilization of social wealth through private donation during times of disaster. Additionally, it discusses the influence of the honored rich people on local development and social order. Those honored as "Yimin" and "Yiguan" were individuals who responded to official calls and provided material assistance to the government during times of famine or disaster. They possessed a selfless spirit of sharing wealth, willingly donating private property to alleviate the financial burden on the government for famine relief and poverty alleviation. Their contributions also assisted disaster victims, reducing the impact of natural disasters on social order. The government, in order to encourage wealthy individuals to contribute, used national honors as incentives and compensation. However, this approach did not always succeed and involved power struggles between officials and the citizens.The honour conferring of citizens for charitable deeds did not originate in the Ming Dynasty, but during this time, the government established detailed standards for such recognition and implemented them nationwide. This institutionalization led to a considerable number of recognized"Yimin", making the system of honour conferring of righteous citizens formalized. The later implementation of donation systems by the Ming government competed with the the system of "Yimin Jingbiao", providing wealthy individuals with alternative options for contributing beyond receiving honors. The recognition and exemption from certain duties made "Yimin" benefit both socially and economically. Many of them used this honor to connect with the privileged class, encouraging family members to also donate and thus having multiple"Yimin" within a family. Some even cultivated successors to engage in Imperial examination, elevating the social status of their families. Public constructions in local areas often involved the participation of "Yimin", who used their wealth and influence to assist the government in promoting local development. However, some unworthy "Yimin", once honored, behaved recklessly, and disrupting local order. The Ming government decided to withdraw their recognition, serving as a warning against unlawful actions by "Yimin", emphasizing that the honor of recognition was not permanent, and the government retained the power to revoke it. In the late Ming Dynasty, local officials imposed additional corvée labor on "Yimin" to save expenses, leading to the phenomenon of "Yimin Chayi Hua" (義民差役化 the compulsory service of righteous citizens). This caused many wealthy households to lose their motivation to seek honour conferring, resulting in a decline in contributions. To compensate for thefinancial shortfall, the government sought new targets for encouragement, shifting the honour conferring of righteous deeds to family members of the imperial clan or officials. This violated the tradition of recognizing commoners, and signaled the weakening state of the Ming Dynasty, with financial difficulties ultimately causing the system of rewarding people for charitable contributions to become a means for the government to generate revenue and add prestige to the privileged class.
This thesis focuses on the system of"Yimin Jingbiao" (義民旌表 honour conferring of righteous citizens) in Ming Dynasty and the individuals recognized by the state as "Yimin" (義民 righteous citizens) and "Yiguan" (義官 righteous officials). It explores the government's emphasis and utilization of social wealth through private donation during times of disaster. Additionally, it discusses the influence of the honored rich people on local development and social order. Those honored as "Yimin" and "Yiguan" were individuals who responded to official calls and provided material assistance to the government during times of famine or disaster. They possessed a selfless spirit of sharing wealth, willingly donating private property to alleviate the financial burden on the government for famine relief and poverty alleviation. Their contributions also assisted disaster victims, reducing the impact of natural disasters on social order. The government, in order to encourage wealthy individuals to contribute, used national honors as incentives and compensation. However, this approach did not always succeed and involved power struggles between officials and the citizens.The honour conferring of citizens for charitable deeds did not originate in the Ming Dynasty, but during this time, the government established detailed standards for such recognition and implemented them nationwide. This institutionalization led to a considerable number of recognized"Yimin", making the system of honour conferring of righteous citizens formalized. The later implementation of donation systems by the Ming government competed with the the system of "Yimin Jingbiao", providing wealthy individuals with alternative options for contributing beyond receiving honors. The recognition and exemption from certain duties made "Yimin" benefit both socially and economically. Many of them used this honor to connect with the privileged class, encouraging family members to also donate and thus having multiple"Yimin" within a family. Some even cultivated successors to engage in Imperial examination, elevating the social status of their families. Public constructions in local areas often involved the participation of "Yimin", who used their wealth and influence to assist the government in promoting local development. However, some unworthy "Yimin", once honored, behaved recklessly, and disrupting local order. The Ming government decided to withdraw their recognition, serving as a warning against unlawful actions by "Yimin", emphasizing that the honor of recognition was not permanent, and the government retained the power to revoke it. In the late Ming Dynasty, local officials imposed additional corvée labor on "Yimin" to save expenses, leading to the phenomenon of "Yimin Chayi Hua" (義民差役化 the compulsory service of righteous citizens). This caused many wealthy households to lose their motivation to seek honour conferring, resulting in a decline in contributions. To compensate for thefinancial shortfall, the government sought new targets for encouragement, shifting the honour conferring of righteous deeds to family members of the imperial clan or officials. This violated the tradition of recognizing commoners, and signaled the weakening state of the Ming Dynasty, with financial difficulties ultimately causing the system of rewarding people for charitable contributions to become a means for the government to generate revenue and add prestige to the privileged class.
勸分, 旌表, 義民, 義官, 明代, 捐納, encouraging donations, honour conferring, Yimin, Yiguan, Ming Dynasty, donation