論政治意識形態對翻譯文本傳播的影響—以 Jonathan Livingston Seagull 的兩岸中譯本為例

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從上世紀80年代起,「操縱」的觀念被引入翻譯研究,而勒菲弗爾在此基礎上提出「改寫」理論,並指出「意識形態」、「贊助人」和「詩學」為操縱翻譯的三大要素。1970年出版的美國寓言小說Jonathan Livingston Seagull,兩年後在當地成為暢銷書並很快被引介到兩岸。彼時,處於戒嚴時期的臺灣將該書譯為《天地一沙鷗》,處於文革時期的大陸將其譯為《海鷗喬納森•利文斯頓》。該小說在彼時兩岸執政者不同的解讀和宣傳中,成為各自政權下宣傳政治意識形態的文宣工具。在台灣,為了現代化建設,透過海鷗追求完美飛翔的理想,勉勵民眾「不要為生活而工作,而要為工作而生活」。在中國,為了維護共產主義,防止人民「誤食」封建主義、資本主義以及修正主義的「毒草」,政府將海鷗宣傳為剝削勞動人民的狂妄資本家的化身。本文援引勒菲弗爾的操縱改寫理論,收集相關時事報導,對照兩岸的翻譯文本以探討操縱翻譯的三要素在該小說在兩岸譯介中扮演的角色。本研究發現三大要素中,「意識形態」主導了該小說文本的翻譯與傳播。在台灣,譯者作為文學系統內部之「專業人士」可兼具「贊助人」的身份,這有別於操縱改寫理論中提出的文學系統外部的「贊助人」才能促進或阻礙翻譯作品的書寫之觀點。
Based on the concept of “manipulation”, the theory of rewriting proposed by André Lefevere points out three factors manipulating translation: “ideology”, “patronage” and “poetics”. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, published in 1970, was a bestseller in the US. It was introduced in Taiwan in 1972 during the Martial Law period, entitled “Tian di yi sha ou” (a seagull flying between the sky and the land). Before long when a translation of the novel was published in Taiwan , it was also introduced in China during the Cultural Revolution, entitled “Hai-ou Qiao-na-sen Li-wen-si-dun” (Seagull Jonathan Livingston) . The novel served as a tool for propaganda on both sides of the strait: in Taiwan, with the ideology of modernization, the government regarded the seagull in the book as a role model of “living to work instead of working to live”, while in China, with the ideology of Chinese communism, the government symbolized the seagull as a capitalist exploiting workers to prevent its people from the “poison”, referring to Feudalism, Capitalism and Revisionism. In this thesis, translation and dissemination of the novel will be analyzed under the frame of the rewriting theory. The finding shows that ideology plays a critical role in manipulating the translation of a literary text. In Taiwan, as the “professional” inside the literary system, translators can be “patronage”, and this is different from the rewriting theory in which only “patronage” can further or hinder the rewriting of literature.



操縱理論, 改寫理論, 意識形態, 天地一沙鷗, 海鷗喬納森•利文斯頓, manipulation theory, rewriting, ideology, Jonathan Livingston Seagull





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