

本研究主旨在瞭解目前國民中小學校長推展特殊教育工作角色之情形,探究以特教教師,普通班教師之觀點,對國民中小學校長推展特殊教育工作角色的看法以及對國中小校長推展特教工作角色期望及實際情形之差異。 本研究以台北市和台北縣地區國民中小學的教師為研究對象,採問卷調查方式,以研究者自編之「國民中小學校長特教工作角色調查問卷」為研究工具,問卷包括五個向度。所得資料以次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比、t考驗等統計方法加以處理。 本研究所得結論如下:學校教師對校長推展特殊教育工作的角色期望和角色踐行現況:發現教師期望校長推展特教工作角色重要性,依序為:「計畫組織與管理」、「支持與激勵」、「領導與倡導」、「溝通與協調」、「督導與評鑑」。角色踐行現況方面,認為校長目前推展特教工作角色的踐行度,依序為:「計畫組織與管理」、「支持與激勵」、「督導與評鑑」、「領導與倡導」、「溝通與協調」。 學校教師對校長推展特殊教育工作角色期望和角色踐行的差異情形:五個向度差異性均達顯著水準,校長的角色踐行不如角色期望所預期的理想。不同教師類別,對校長推展特殊教育工作的角色期望和角色踐行的差異情形:特教教師對校長推動特教工作的角色期望明顯高於普通班教師;在角色踐行方面,普通班教師高於特教教師,但其差異性未達顯著水準。 不同任教階段的教師,對校長推展特教工作角色期望和角色踐行的差異情形:國小教師對校長推展特殊教育工作的角色期望高於國中教師。國中教師認為國民中學校長在推展特教工作上,踐行度不如國民小學校長。不同縣市的教師對校長推展特教工作角色期望和角色踐行的差異情形:台北縣教師對校長推展特教工作角色期望高於台北市教師,但其差異性未達顯著水準;在踐行方面,台北市教師對校長推展特教工作的角色踐行較台北縣教師高。最後提出ㄧ些對未來研究及相關單位的建議。
This research was to examine (a) the roles of principals of elementary and junior high schools in promoting special education at present stage and (b) the perspectives of the teachers in both special and general education, though the paper also seeks to explore the differences between these two groups in terms of their outlooks toward the roles of special education promoted by principals of elementary and junior high schools and the distinctions between their expectations toward the roles and their actual implementation. The main research participants are the teachers in the elementary and junior high schools in Taipei City and County. The study is undertaken by the questionnaire entitled , ‘Questionnaire for the Role of Principals of Elementary and Junior High Schools in Promoting Special Education,’ designed by the researcher to serve as the research tool. The questionnaire comprises five dimensions. The data are presented by statistical methods such as number distributions, average, standard deviation, percentage, and Students’ t-test. The conclusion derived from the data analysis is specified as follows. Teachers’ expectations toward the roles of principals in promoting special education and the expectations to the realization of such roles are listed in the following order: organization plan and management, support and encouragement, leading and advocating, communication and coordination, supervision and evaluation. Concerning the current situation of the realization of the roles which principals take to promote special education could be analyzed into following elements: organization plan and management, support and encouragement, leading and advocating, communication and coordination, supervision and evaluation. Concerning the teachers’ expectations toward principals’ roles in promoting special education and their role realization, all of the five dimensions reach significance, meaning that principals’ role realization cannot meet teachers’ expectations. Across different groups of teachers, teachers in special education have significantly higher expectations than those in general education. In terms of role realization, however, teachers in general education hold slightly higher expectation than those in special education. Other issues including teachers of different backgrounds and educational levels are also discussed.



國民中小學校長, 特殊教育, 角色, 角色期望, 角色踐行, principals, elementary school, junior high schools, special education, role expectation, role realization





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