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本研究旨在研究國中生服務學習態度與情緒智能、創造力之關係,並探討(一) 國中生背景變項與服務學習態度、情緒智能與創造力的差異(二)國中生服務學習態度對情緒智能與創造力之差異(三)國中生情緒智能與創造力之相關。本研究利用問卷調查法及文獻探討法進行資料蒐集,取樣新北市3所學校、臺北市3所學校,共6所學校,12個社團,共332人為研究對象。 所採用的研究工具包括「國中生服務學習量表」、「情緒智能量表青少年版」、「新編創造思考測驗」。研究中所使用的統計方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森績差相關分析等統計方法進行統計分析。研究結果發現: 一、國中生的服務學習態度在「性別」與「服務資歷」有顯著差異,在「社團性質」則無差異。 二、國中生情緒智能在「性別」少部分達顯著差異,在「社團性質」部分達顯著差異,在「服務資歷」大部分達顯著差異。 三、國中生創造力在「社團性質」與「服務資歷」的不同而有顯著差異,在「性別」指標則無差異。 四、服務學習態度高分組、低分組,在情緒智能各指標皆有顯著差異,並且高分組優於低分組;在創造力則各指標皆無差異。 五、國中生情緒智能與創造力部分達低度正相關。 最後根據上述結論,提供建議,以供學校行政單位、教師、家庭及未來研究者之參考。
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between service learning attitude and emotional quotient as well as creativity. This study discussed the following: 1) how the differences in junior high school students’ backgrounds affected their service learning attitude, emotional quotient, and creativity;2) how the differences in junior high school students’ service learning attitude affected their emotional quotient and creativity; 3) how emotional quotient and creativity of junior high school students are related. The methodology of this study includes the use of questionnaire surveys and literature search for data collection. Survey participants consist of 332 students from 12 clubs at six junior high schools. This study employed measurement schemes such as “Service-Learning Scale”, “Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i: YV)” and “New Creativity Test”. Italso applied Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples T Test, One way MANOVA and Pearson Correlation Analysis to analyze the numbers. Main findings of this study included the following: 1. Service learning attitude among junior high school students saw significantly different in Gender and Service Experience, but showed no obvious differences between different club participants。 2. Emotional quotient among junior high school students saw little difference between different Genders, some differences between club participants, and significant differences among different service learning experience。 3. Creativity among junior high school students saw significant differences in different club participants and service experience but showed no obvious differences in different genders. 4. Students with higher service learning attitude scores had higher emotional quotient scores in all aspects, but showed no obvious differences in creativity。 5. Emotional quotient among junior high school students saw some low correlation with their creativity. Finally, based on the results and analysis of this study, we made recommendations to school administrant, teachers, families and the future researchers.



國中生, 服務學習態度, 情緒智能, 創造力, 社團, junior high school students, service learning attitude, emotional quotient, creativity, club





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