居家保全發展物聯網服務之商業模式研究-以S 公司為例

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台灣自日本引進系統保全,已近四十年。隨著台灣經濟發展,大小不同規模的系統保全業者,如雨後春筍般陸續成立,價格競爭的結果,也讓台灣的保全產業進入紅海市場。再者,台灣的居住標的物型態走向集合式住宅,居家環境相對安全,而以防盜需求為主軸的居家安全服務,相形之下,市場更加嚴峻! 正當國內系統保全業者在尋求創新服務,以突破市場競爭困境時,一場改變各產業的「物聯網」(Internet Of Things)革命,似乎讓系統保全業者,嗅到了藍海商機。 有鑑於台灣的居家保全業者發展物聯網服務,尚處於萌芽階段,居家保全系統經營者雖然知道發展物聯網是未來加值服務的方向,但目前經營策略仍以防盜保全為主要業務,一般保全用戶是否接受這項新的加值服務。再者,傳統上非保全的資通訊業者,也正藉由此物聯網商機延伸其營運範圍,對於居家保全業者而言,未來是否能與相關物聯網業者達成異業策略合作,皆是保全業者發展物聯網的重要課題。 為解決目前居家保全業在推動物聯網實務操作上所遭遇的問題或困難,本研究企圖透過市場調查、產業分析資料,對居家保全系統業者提出可能的解決方案。
The security systems and solutions have been introduced into Taiwan from Japanfor almost over 40 years. With the economic development in Taiwan, more and more companies successively set up different scale-sized security companies to compete in this security industry. Due to the fierce competition on pricing Taiwan security market has become the so-called “Red Sea” market. Moreover, most of housings in Taiwan are built as Condominium for aggregated living which is relatively safer in the home environment. By contrast the purpose of guarding against burglary seems not the main stream for home security service. Just as the security companies are struggling for survival and seeking for the innovation, a change called “Internet Of Things” (IoT) revolution in each industry seems a critical point for security companies to break through the market difficulties and to successfully enter into “Blue Ocean” business. In view of the IoT development in home security industry is still in the very initial stage, home security companies still mainly focus their businesses on burglarproof securit and regard IoT as the value-added service to monitor the acceptance in family. Besides the current security companies the Information and Communication companies, non-security companies, are also trying to extend their businesses into IoT. The cooperation with related IoT companies to accomplish the effective and efficient horizontal alliances is the key to success in business for home security companies. To solve the current hands-on problems and difficulties in home security companies in IoT promotion the research aims at bringing up the possible solutions or suggestions by way of the market research and industry analysis for home security companies.



保全產業, 商業模式, 物聯網, security industry, business model, IoT





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