品牌形象、時尚特性與限買策略對潮流服飾購買意願之研究-以 SUPREME 品牌為例

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由於現今已處於一個資訊爆發的時代,各消費者對於接收新的事物已經易如反掌,加上生活水平漸漸提升下,潮流服飾在商業社會上佔有非常龐大的商機。潮流品牌除了對年輕族群有莫大的吸引力外,高價值的品牌及商品亦因商業價值下變成一件一件的「收藏品」。隨著這種龐大利益關係,愈來愈多潮流品牌相繼湧現,如何在激烈的競爭下適者生存需要考量不同因素。本研究目的旨在探討潮流品牌的購買意願為例,藉此透過品牌形象、時尚特性及限買策略等因素探討購買意願之關係,並參考中外學者對以上變數之相關論述作為驗證本研究對購買意願的影響。本研究以SUPREME品牌為例子,以有購買過此品牌的消費者為主要問卷調查對象,一共發放出478份問卷,經扣除無效問卷103份後,共收回有效問卷375,有效問卷率為78.45 %,並將所得的資料採用SPSS軟體23.0版本進行資料分析及處理,統計方法包括敘述性統計分析、相關分析、信度分析及迴歸分析,以驗證本研究之假說是否成立。經本研究實證後,品牌形象、時尚特性及限買策略皆對購買意願呈現正向關係主效果,而時尚特性作為品牌形象與購買意願之間呈現顯著的中介效果,而限買策略作為主效果與購買意願之間呈現正向關係,但作為時尚特性與購買意願之間的調節效果則不顯著。綜合以上的結論,希望能為日後的潮流品牌業者、相關學者及後續研究者提供參考資料,為日後行業發展或研究帶來助益。
Trendy brands in the clothing industry have seized the opportunity in the era of overflowing information and instant gratification to gain a potential great share in the business sector. Having analyzed an example of a popular brand, the purpose and framework of this thesis are to examine customers’ purchasing intention through studying its relationship with brand’s image, fashion characteristics, and the limited strategy, referring to scholars’ doctrines and theories on variables.This thesis conducted a research on a vibrant clothing brand—Supreme. A survey of 478 samples was collected. After deducting 103 of invalided samples, a total of 375 samples was utilized, resulting a valid rate of 78.45%. Such collected data are processed and analyzed with SPSS Ver. 23.0. statistic methods, including descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, reliability analysis and regression analysis are used to build credibility for the assumption of this study. The thesis has found that (1) Brand’s image, fashion characteristics, and limited supply strategy are in proportion to customers’ purchasing intention. (2) Fashion characteristics as a significant intermediary effect between brand’s image and purchase intention. (3) While purchase intention strategy as a moderating effect between fashion characteristics and purchase intention is not significant. In sum, this thesis has integrated data from a survey, example of a brand, and theories of scholars to develop, contribute its unique insights amongst marketers in the influential clothing industry.



潮流品牌, 品牌形象, 時尚特性, 限買策略, 購買意願, 潮牌, trendy brands, brand image, purchase intention, limited strategy, purchase intention, popular brands

