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  本研究以向陽國中初成立之國文科教師專業學習社群為例,探討國文科教師專業學習社群實際運作的歷程、行政支援及成效,以及對於國文科教師專業發展的影響。本研究採個案研究法,透過訪談校長、教務主任,以及六位參與國文科社群的教師;研究者參與觀察該校社群會議、研習辦理以及社群活動的運作情形;並且蒐集相關文件資料,進行資料蒐集,以形成研究的發現與結果。 依據研究目的與問題獲致研究之結論如下: 一、依循政策的指引並結合教師的興趣及需求,是向陽國中國文科教師專    業學習社群的發展背景。 二、社群的運作以研發主題課程為主軸,每年雖有不同主題課程研發,但也    維持舊有課程的延續性,並轉型為學校本位課程。 三、共同願景、對話、合作、實踐分享為向陽國中國文科教師專業學習社群    運作特徵。 四、學校行政在結構性及關係性提供相關支持,而社群領導者角色以教務主    任較為明確。 五、國文科教師專業學習社群在成效上,對教師的專業能力發展及學生學習    興趣的提升有明顯的助益。 六、社群在運作時的困境來自外在限制及內在因素的交錯。 七、向陽國中國文科教師專業學習社群的運作對教師專業發展產生多方面影    響: (一)教師在課程及教學部分,更能聚焦於學生身上,並藉由創新多元的      課 程與教學,緩和師生關係,並凝聚班級向心力。 (二)教師在人際互動上更加緊密,能體諒他人角色,並且瞭解政策的改      變。 (三)教師能針對相關主題進修及研究,並能不斷蒐集資訊,進行終身學      習。 (四)透過彼此的分享,反思以往教學經驗,並針對所面臨問題進行改      善。 (五)教師在敬業態度上有明顯的提升,並增強教師教學信心 根據研究結果,對於個案學校、推展學習社群之他校、行政單位,以及未來研究提出建議。
Using Xiang Yang (anonym) Junior High School’s newly established Teacher Professional Learning Communities (TPLCs) of Chinese Language Subject Teachers as an example, this research aims to explore the actual operational process, administrative support and effectiveness of Chinese Language Subject TPLCs, as well as its impact on Teacher Professional Development. Being a qualitative case study research, methods of interview, observation, and document analysis are adopted in the collection of data. Interviewees include the Principal, Department Head of Academic Affairs, and six Chinese language subject teachers involved in the TPLCs. Observations are made by the researcher through the participation in the TPLCs meetings, learning workshops, as well as the operations of the TPLCs’ activities. All data collected are analyzed to form the research findings and results. With reference to the research objectives and research questions, the following conclusions are reached: (1) The background of Xiang Yang Junior High School’s Chinese Language Subject TPLC is developed based on policy guidelines as well as the combined interest and requirements of the school teachers. (2) The main operation of the PLC is to develop new PLC themes, a different curriculum theme is developed each year, but the existing curriculum themes remain, transforming into the school-based curriculum. (3) Having a shared vision, using dialogue, promoting cooperation, practice and sharing are the operational characteristics of Xiang Yang Junior High School’s Chinese Language Subject TPLC. (4) Structural and relational support is provided by the school’s Administrative Department, the roles of the PLC leader and the Department Head of Academic Affairs have become more definite too. (5) The effectiveness of the Chinese Language Subject TPLC is clearly shown in helping to improve the professional competence of teachers and interest of students. (6) The difficulties met in the operations of PLCs alternate between external constraints as well as internal factors. (7) The operation of TPLCs in Xiang Yang Junior High School shows an impact on several areas towards the professional development of the Chinese Language Subject teachers:  (a) Teachers are able to better focus on students in curriculum and teaching, and through diverse and innovative curriculum and instruction, teacher and student relationships are mitigated and class solidarity cohered. (b) Teachers are closer in their interpersonal relationships, more understanding towards the roles of others, and the change in policy. (c) Teachers can focus on the research and study of the related themes, and to constantly collect relevant information, so as to carry out lifelong learning. (d) Through sharing, teachers are able to reflect on past teaching experiences, and make improvements towards the problems faced. (e) Teachers’attitude and dedication towards teaching is significantly improved, and the confidence of teachers is enhanced. Based on the research results, suggestions are made for the case study school, other schools which promote PLCs as well as for future research.



教師專業學習社群, 教師專業發展, 國文科, Teacher Professional Learning Communities, Teacher Professional Development, Chinese Language Subject





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