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近年來,由於吳寶春於2010年參加國際比賽得名後,麵包產業蓬勃發展,消費者對麵包的購買力有逐年提升的趨勢。本研究以台北市民眾麵包消費者為研究對象,探討不同個人背景的消費者生活型態與消費者行為之間的影響,採用問卷調查法於2017 年4月10日至2017年4月30日進行問卷調查,共計發放660份問卷,有效樣本604 份,有效回收率92%。最後獲致以下結論:本研究透過食品相關生活型態集群分為「購物態度」、「品質取向」、「消費情境」及「購買動機」四個構面進行因素分析。透過理論的驗證,本文得到四個相符於理論的因素;在不同的因素上,不同的個人背景之間有顯著的影響效果:
The bakery industry has flourished and bread consumption has increased in recent years since Bao-Chun Wu won his international reputation in 2010. This research aims to study bread consumers in Taipei by exploring the interrelationship between one’s lifestyles and consumer behaviors. This research is conducted by questionnaire survey from April 10th to April 30th 2017. The total number of the questionnaires collected is 660 with 604 questionnaires valid. The conclusions are as follows: Four constructs are named through food-related lifestyles-consumption attitude, quality, consuming environment, purchasing motivation, to conduct factor analysis. Four factors adhering to theories are found. Significant differences among personal backgrounds are shown in different factors. 1. The trend of bread consumption in Taipei is that people consume bread for breakfast and consider freshness and taste the most. 2. Consumers with different demographic variables has significant differences. 3. Consumers with different demographic variables show significant differences in different lifestyles. 4. Consumers with different lifestyles show significant differences in different consumer behaviors.
The bakery industry has flourished and bread consumption has increased in recent years since Bao-Chun Wu won his international reputation in 2010. This research aims to study bread consumers in Taipei by exploring the interrelationship between one’s lifestyles and consumer behaviors. This research is conducted by questionnaire survey from April 10th to April 30th 2017. The total number of the questionnaires collected is 660 with 604 questionnaires valid. The conclusions are as follows: Four constructs are named through food-related lifestyles-consumption attitude, quality, consuming environment, purchasing motivation, to conduct factor analysis. Four factors adhering to theories are found. Significant differences among personal backgrounds are shown in different factors. 1. The trend of bread consumption in Taipei is that people consume bread for breakfast and consider freshness and taste the most. 2. Consumers with different demographic variables has significant differences. 3. Consumers with different demographic variables show significant differences in different lifestyles. 4. Consumers with different lifestyles show significant differences in different consumer behaviors.
麵包, 烘焙業, 消費行為, 食品相關生活型態, bread, bakery, consumer behavior, food-related lifestyles