
dc.contributor.authorYing-Chia Hung, I-Chen Chen, Chin-Chin Wuen_US
dc.description.abstract修訂版學步期自閉症檢核表(Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers,M-CHAT)為國際上常見的自閉症類群障礙症(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)幼兒篩檢工具。然而,M-CHAT 在臺灣的研究不多。因此,本研究探究M-CHAT在臺灣的不同場域(如:基層診所與綜合醫院)篩檢ASD 幼兒的正確率。18-29 個月的幼兒共272 名,包括:ASD 幼兒74 名、發展遲緩(developmentaldelay, DD)幼兒87 名與一般發展(typically developing, TD)幼兒111 名,由主要照顧者填寫23 題「是/ 非」選項的M-CHAT。以卡方檢定(chi-squaredtest)比較ASD、DD 與TD 幼兒在M-CHAT 題目失敗率的差異,單因子變異數分析(analysis of variance, ANOVA)檢驗三組幼兒在總分及不同簡版分數的差異。然後,以訊號偵測理論(signal detection theory, SDT)決定M-CHAT 的切截分數,並以判別函數分析(discriminant function analysis, DFA)找出M-CHAT的結構矩陣,決定關鍵題目。在綜合醫院場域使用時,M-CHAT 篩檢ASD 與DD 幼兒,以任4 題失敗作為切截分數,敏感度與特異度皆為 .72。使用不同簡版時的敏感度為 .62- .72,特異度為 .85- .91,簡版14 題(Brief 14)篩檢率正確率最佳。在基層診所場域使用時,M-CHAT 篩檢ASD 與TD 幼兒,以任3 題失敗作為切截分數,敏感度為 .81,特異度為 .83。使用不同簡版時的敏感度為.62- .72,特異度為 .95- .99,一樣是簡版14 題篩檢正確率最佳。M-CHAT 用在綜合醫院場域篩檢ASD 幼兒正確率尚可,用在基層診所場域篩檢ASD 幼兒正確率良好。本研究結果支持M-CHAT 可以在臺灣用於ASD 幼兒的早期篩檢,特別是在基層診所場域。然而,在不同場域使用M-CHAT,需要使用不同的切截分數。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) is a well-researched screening tool that was originally developed for detecting autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in toddlers. However, few studies have examined the accuracy of the M-CHAT for detecting ASD in the Taiwanese population. Thus, this study examined the accuracy of the M-CHAT for detecting ASD in Taiwanese toddlers in different settings (i.e., primary clinics and general hospitals). Methods: The M-CHAT comprises 23 questions with yes/no responses, and it is designed to detect ASD in toddlers aged 16-30 months. In this study, the M-CHAT was administered to 272 caregivers of toddlers aged 18-29 months. The 272 caregivers comprised those of 74 toddlers with ASD, 87 toddlers with developmental delay (DD), and 111 toddlers who were typically developing (TD). The chi-square test was used to examine the failure rate of each M-CHAT item among the ASD, DD, and TD groups. Analysis of variance was also used to examine the sensitivity and specificity of the total scores of the 23 M-CHAT items and the various short forms among the three groups of participants. In addition, signal detection theory was used to determine the optimal cutoffs of the M-CHAT, and discriminant function analysis was conducted to obtain the structure matrix for deciding the critical items. Results/Findings: When the M-CHAT was used for discriminating between the ASD and DD groups in general hospitals, sensitivity of .72 and specificity of .72 were obtained. The cutoff was the failure of any 4 of the 23 M-CHAT items. For the different short forms of the M-CHAT, sensitivities of .62- .72 and specificities of .85- .91 were obtained; “Brief 14” was the best short form of the M-CHAT. When the M-CHAT was used for discriminating between ASD and TD groups in primary clinics, sensitivity of .81 and specificity of .83 were obtained. The cutoff was the failure of any 3 of the 23 M-CHAT items. For different short forms of the M-CHAT, sensitivities of .62- .72 and specificities of .95- .99 were obtained; “Brief 14” was the best short form of the M-CHAT. Conclusions/Implications: The accuracy of the M-CHAT was adequate in general hospital settings and favorable in primary clinic settings. The study results suggest that the M-CHAT can be used as a screening tool for detecting ASD in toddlers in Taiwan, especially in primary clinics. However, different cutoffs in the form of different M-CHAT scores should be used depending on setting (primary clinic or general hospital).en_US
dc.publisherNational Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Educationen_US
dc.subject.otherautism spectrum disorderen_US
dc.subject.otherModified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT)en_US
dc.title.alternativeDetection of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Different Settings: Accuracy of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlerszh_tw


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