
dc.contributorShen, Yung-Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Yu-Lungen_US
dc.description.abstract在資訊時代來臨前,商業行為建構在資訊不對稱的條件下產生利潤,現今資訊流動爆炸,消費者不再對資訊患貧,反而乞其求在洪流般的資訊中渴望效率,為了滿足需求,消費者願意付費購買經過整理、過濾的有效資訊,這也開啟資訊提供者的商機,而金融業與科技業結合的金融科技(Fintech)浪潮下,機器人理財業務便順應而生了。 我國自2017年6月由主管機關金管會通過投信投顧公會提出之「自動化投資顧問服務(Robo-Advisor)作業要點」(即俗稱「機器人理財」),在國內金融業掀起一股熱潮,銀行、投信、投顧業者紛紛推出以機器人理財為名的功能平台,截至2019年9月止,已有7家業者從事機器人理財相關顧問服務,但就整個投資流程來說,充其量只能稱為半自動化,因此相較外國近乎採全自動化投資顧問服務的機器人理財市場,我國仍有相當大的差異及發展空間。 在國內金融業過度競爭之下,存放利差多年來均持續偏低,而著眼於台灣在戰後的土地改革、進口替代、出口擴張、十大建設、產業升級等經濟發展歷時70餘年,早已藏富於民,金融業鑑於經營環境的改變,紛紛將營運重點寄望於財富管理業務,並追求以提升手續費收入來挹注獲利,近年來已成為重要業務之一,而受到科技突破性發展的推波助瀾,金融科技(Fintech)也成為近年影響金融業營運模式的重大變革,此兩者相輔相成即催生了國內發展機器人理財的與起,並預期未來將大幅改變國內投資人的投資行為模式,鑑於此,本研究擬初探投資人對此類服務之期待為何。 本研究立論以機器人理財對於國內投資人行為而言是一種創新應用,並以新科技發展歷程中,引用Geoffrey A. Moore在1999年對Everett Rogers創新擴散理論模型(Diffusion of Innovation)重新定義之技術採用生命週期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle),討究不同階段之採用者(投資人)對新科技採用的特性,並期能在發展歷程中,順利「跨越鴻溝」(Crossing the Chasm)成為明日大眾市場中的殺手級應用。 截至2020年一月,機器人理財管理的資產規模為新台幣7.1億元,以七家開辦本項業務的金融機構換算下來,每家金融機構的平均管理資產可能不到1億元,明顯地沒有形成經濟規模,未來當系統能夠導入全自動化交易流程或更多的業者投入此項業務時,提供的服務內容是否能受消費者(投資人)接受?而消費者(投資人)未被滿足的需求又是什麼?在看似進入門檻不高的業務上,如何創造使用者價值並建立同業競爭門檻?zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBefore the advent of the information age, business activities were built to generate profits under the conditions of asymmetric information. Nowadays, information flows are exploding. Consumers no longer suffer from information poverty. Instead, they are begging for efficiency in torrent-like information to meet demand. Consumers are willing to pay to purchase effective information that has been sorted and filtered, which also opens up business opportunities for information providers. Under the tide of Fintech, which combines the financial industry and the technology industry, robot wealth management business has emerged. Since June 2017, the “Key Points of Operation of Automated Investment Advisory Service (Robo-Advisor)” (commonly known as “robot financial management”) proposed by the competent authority ’s financial management committee through the Trust and Investment Advisory Council has set off a boom in the domestic financial industry. , Investment trust, and investment consultants have launched functional platforms named as robot wealth management. As of September 2019, there are already 7 companies engaged in robot wealth management related consulting services, but as far as the entire investment process is concerned, it can only be called half Automation, so compared with the foreign robotic financial management market that is almost fully automated investment consulting services, China still has considerable differences and room for development. Under the excessive competition of the domestic financial industry, the deposit spreads have remained low for many years, and the focus has been on Taiwan ’s post-war economic reforms such as land reform, import substitution, export expansion, top ten construction, and industrial upgrading. Rich in wealth, the financial industry, in view of the change in the operating environment, has placed its operational focus on the wealth management business, and pursues to increase profits from handling fees to infuse profits. In recent years, it has become one of the important businesses and has undergone technological breakthroughs. The financial technology (Fintech) has also become a major change that has affected the operation mode of the financial industry in recent years. The two complement each other, which has spawned the development of domestic robotics and financial management. It is expected that the investment behavior of domestic investors will be significantly changed in the future. Therefore, this study intends to explore what investors expect from such services. This research argues that robot finance is an innovative application for domestic investor behavior, and uses the technology redefined by Geoffrey A. Moore in 1999 on the Everett Rogers innovation diffusion theory model (Diffusion of Innovation) in the development process of new technology. Adopt a technology cycle (Technology Adoption Life Cycle) to explore the characteristics of adopters (investors) of different stages in adopting new technologies, and hope to smoothly "cross the chasm" in the development process into tomorrow's mass market Killer app. As of January 2020, the scale of robot wealth management assets was NT $ 710 million, which was converted from seven financial institutions that started this business. The average asset management of each financial institution may be less than 100 million yuan, obviously not Economic scale is formed. In the future, when the system can introduce fully automated transaction processes or more companies invest in this business, will the services provided be accepted by consumers (investors)? And what are the unmet needs of consumers (investors)? In businesses that seem to have low entry barriers, how do you create user value and establish a threshold for horizontal competition?en_US
dc.subjectTechnology Adoption Life Cycleen_US
dc.titleA Study on Investors Adoption of Financial Robo-Advisors on the Technology Adoption Life Cycle Theoryen_US


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